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这艘船是主力舰吗?Is it a capital ship?

这意味着一支舰队可包含七艘主力舰。That means SEVEN capital ships in a single fleet.

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那艘新的主力舰将配备口径16英寸的大炮。The new battle ship will be armed with 16 inch guns.

现代战争中主力舰的作用举足轻重。In modern wars, capital ships have a very important function.

我数了一数,有四艘主力舰无疑已经沉没,三艘重创。I counted four battleships definitely sunk, three severely damaged.

我们最大的,也是我们的最快的主力舰“胡德”号已被炸沉。The "hood", our largest and also our fastest capital ship, had been blown up.

他们试图通过制造主力舰来纠正这点,但是更多的是一种灾难。And their attempts to fix this by building capitol ships was largely a disaster.

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看起来没有主力舰的损失,也许巡洋舰或驱逐舰的损失也不大。Apparently no battleship was lost, and probably not much in the way of cruisers or destroyers.

也没有在绕地轨道上组建一支主力舰队来与美国太空军事设备相抗衡。Nor is it assembling an orbiting battle fleet to neutralize American space-based military tools.

其标志是美国和英国强加给日本的著名的主力舰船的5-5-3比率。Symbolic of that treatment was the famous 5-5-3 ratio for capital ships imposed by Britain and the U.

缔约国还同意在今后十年内不建造新的主力舰。The signatories also agreed to an unprecedented 10-year holiday in the construction of new capital ships.

其标志是美国和英国强加给日本的著名的主力舰船的5-5-3比率。Symbolic of that treatment was the famous 5-5-3 ratio for capital ships imposed by Britain and the U.S. on Japan.

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在科洛桑上空爆发了一场大战,共和国主力舰与逃跑的邦联舰队陷入混战。High above Coruscant, an enormous battle raged, as capital ships from the Republic tangled with the escaping forces of the Confederacy.

德国人本就不希望被英国舰只发现,现在却雪上加霜地碰上了英国人的主力舰。That other British ships had detected them was not unexpected by the Germans but that they would turn out to be capital ships was a nasty surprise.

美国和英国每保持5艘主力舰,日本可保持3艘,法国和意大利则可保持1.75艘。For every five capital ships maintained by the United States and the United Kingdom, Japan would now maintain three, and France and Italy would maintain 1.75.

作为同盟军的将军,兰多自愿指挥星际战斗机率先进攻第二颗死星,而阿克巴上将则指挥主力舰队。Now a General in the Alliance Forces, Lando volunteered to spearhead the starfighter attack on the second Death Star while Admiral Ackbar led the capital ships.

这些防御武器被设计用来对抗大型目标的威胁,如主力舰的攻击,但它们过于笨重,无法咬住像同盟星际战斗机那样快速移动的飞船。These defenses were designed against large scale threats, such as capital ship attacks, and were too ponderous to track fast-moving vessels such as Alliance starfighters.

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其高速武器阵列与可观的亚光速速度使它成为一款理想的中型反星际战斗机星际飞船,但与更大更威猛的主力舰交战时,它相当脆弱。Its array of fast weaponry and respectable sublight speeds make it ideal as a mid-sized anti-starfighter starship, but it is vulnerable in engagements with larger, more powerful capital ships.