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又由于﹐靠近电线制品的电晕是热的。Also, a by- product of the corona is heat.

电晕放电和刷毛状放电只是从放电点处逐个地发生。The corona or brush discharge would transfer from point to point.

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我的天啊,那还不得把那些个什么乱七八糟的花全部都给电晕掉。Oh my God, it is not the what be out of order flowers all to corona.

替换主充电器单位,或可能是其他单位的电弧电晕。Replace primary charger unit, or could be arcing of other corona units.

结果表明脉冲流光电晕放电消除H2S是有效的。The results show that the pulsed streamer corona is effective to remove H2S.

研究了散卵层厚度与电晕人工孵化效果的关系。The relationship between egg layer thickness and corona hatching was studied.

电晕是输电线路设计和运行中面临的重要问题之一。Corona is one of key problems in the design and operation of transmission lines.

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脉冲电除尘电晕放电状态不同于传统的直流电除尘。The discharge state of pulse corona in dedusting differs from of that DC corona.

为提高旋伞静电收尘器电晕极清灰效果提供了理论依据。This paper had given the theory to enhance the electronic rod cleaner efficiency.

哨兵骑士似乎并利用电晕极光带麦克恢复生机。The Sentinel Knight appears and uses the Corona Aurora to bring Mack back to life.

因此,当粉尘随含尘气流从喷口流出时,被电晕荷电。Thus, when the dust flows out from the vent with dust-laden air, it is discharged.

电晕放电是一种发生在GIS设备外部的随机的脉冲形噪音信号。Corona discharges are a form of stochastic pulse-shape noises occurring outside the GIS.

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由于这些原因﹐高频火花机产生的电晕比60赫兹的更多。For this reason, high frequency spark testers generate more corona than 60 cycle testers.

电光聚合物材料通常采用带栅极的电晕极化技术进行处理。The electro-optic polymer material is usually poled by corona poling technique with a grid.

电晕是由于交流电在每个周期内由正向转向负向时产生的。Corona is caused in part by the AC voltage changing from positive to negative with each cycle.

脉冲电晕放电是产生等离子体的方法之一,目前已达到工业性试验阶段。Pulse corona discharge is one of the methods which producing plasma is in industrial test stage.

当出现日全食时,从地球上可以看到太阳的色球层和电晕层。The chromosphere and corona can be seen from Earth when the sun is totally eclipsed by the moon.

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带电晕屏蔽管电晕线组的研究,就是在这种背景下应运而生的。The study on corona wire group with corona shielding tube comes into being under this background.

弦丝动态电晕注极可实现对高聚物薄膜注极的连续生产。A string-wire dynamic corona injecting can realize the continuous production of high polymer film.

本文开展了脉冲电晕技术处理挥发性有机化合物的应用研究。Pulsed corona discharge technology is regarded as a more promising new technology in VOCs control.