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你是那样的吗?Is that you?

那样它是的尘埃!So mote it be!

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那样会发生什么事呢?What happened?

那样才好。That'll be nice.

我们讨厌那样。And we hate that.

真是那样的吗?Is that really so?

是那样的悲凉吗?Are so desolate do?

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但你必须那样做。But you must do it.

所做的那样。Feder recently did.

我很后悔那样做。I regret doing that.

最后,就是那样。Lastly, that was it.

并非所有人都能像圣徒那样生活。Not all could saint.

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她竞能跑得那样快!How fast she can run!

要继续像以前那样。To keep on as before.

他那样做是出于忌妒。He did so out of envy.

他像一头猛狮那样战斗。He fought like a lion.

那样如何能敏捷呢?How can that be agile?

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那样可能奏效That would make sense.

这只鸟那样大。The bird was that big.

他们一向都是那样。But so they always are.