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在复苏的道路上总会有些磕磕绊绊的。There will be bumps on the road to recovery.

黑暗中磕磕绊绊还迷了路,还差点淹死。In the darkness they stumbled and squelched, lost their way and nearly drowned.

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这确实是一种进步,但其产生也少不了路途中的一些磕磕绊绊。This is indeed progress, but it didn't come about without a few bumps in the road.

我们只知道我们正在步向婚姻殿堂,当然路上会磕磕绊绊。We know that we were on the road to getting married, with bumps all along the way.

和其它大多数地方一样,在雪城,宗教间的相互理解也是在磕磕绊绊中前行。In Syracuse, like most other places, the road to interfaith understanding was full of bumps.

伯爵离他只有几步远了,由于双手紧绑,所以奔跑得碍手碍脚,他不断地磕磕绊绊,终于摔倒在地上。The count was only a few paces away, running awkwardly because of his tied hands, when he tripped and fell.

实习期林雅熙处处受到磕磕绊绊,经过磨练,林雅熙事业渐起。Exercitation period Lin Yaxi gets everywhere bumpy, through harden oneself, lin Yaxi career rises gradually.

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这场联姻意味着保证这个国家往前发展,那么,没错,前面总会有一些磕磕绊绊。It's a marriage that is meant to ensure that this country moves forward and so, yes, frustrations will be there.

我看着他们一把抓起床上那两条二战时祖父曾用过的旧军毯,磕磕绊绊,跑出门廊,屏风门“砰”地一声关上了。I watch as they snatch the World War II army blankets from their beds and stumble11 out the porch door. It slams.

他说,他和另一个人试图从紧急出口逃出来,磕磕绊绊地在弥漫了整个酒店的烟雾中摸索。He said that he and another man managed to escaped through a fire exit and stumbled through the smoke that filled the hotel.

这就像是用埃里克.克莱普顿的吉他做试音,或是用一双油手磕磕绊绊的弹"蕾拉"。This is like picking up Eric Clapton's guitar at a soundcheck and stumbling through "Layla" with my hands covered in chip grease.

不过比亚迪2010年之路却走得磕磕绊绊,这是上世纪90年代中期它作为手机电池公司成立以来首次遇到重大挫折。Yet, BYD stumbled during 2010 in its first major breakdown since it was established as a cellphone battery company in the mid-1990s.

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但是当移民潮减退,俄亥俄州人发现现在卖房子变得相当费劲,阳光之州的经济也变得磕磕绊绊。But when the influx slows—and Ohioans are finding it rather difficult to sell their houses just now—the Sunshine State's economy sputters.

总而言之,所有的人都会磕磕绊绊地通过门槛,在刑台四周抬起惊惶的面孔。All people, in a word, would come stumbling over their thresholds, and turning up their amazed and horror-stricken visages around the scaffold.

在周六2比2险平巴拉圭后,卢卡斯•勒瓦承认一只磕磕绊绊的巴西队若想有机会赢得美洲杯就必须奋进。Lucas Leiva admits a stuttering Brazil must step up if they have any chance of winning the Copa America following a 2-2 with Paraguay on Saturday.

然而,他们发现在完成简单任务时就磕磕绊绊,这都是因为没有必要的基础知识来完全理解和使用框架。Yet they find themselves stumbling on simple tasks, all because they do not have the foundation necessary to fully understand or utilize the framework.

另一方面,油价大跌等价于一次超大规模量化宽松计划,它将有助于刺激磕磕绊绊的经济增长,全球经济总体会因此受益。On the other hand, the world economy as a whole would enjoy the equivalent of a huge quantitative easing programme, helping to spur sputtering economic growth.

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大爆炸领衔主角约翰尼·盖尔克奇与TVline一同分享他演绎的角色的磕磕绊绊的爱情生活,正如这对角色一样他认为“难以忘却”。Big Bang lead Johnny Galecki shared with TVLine his take on his character’s cracklin’ love life, as well as one pairing of characters he believes would be “unforgettable.”

你是从墨黑的河岸上,从远处愁楚的树林边,穿过昏暗迂回的曲径,磕磕绊绊来到我身边的吗,我的朋友?By what dim shore of the ink-black river, by what far edge of the frowning forest, through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading thy course to come to me, my friend?

腾讯体育讯皇马击败毕尔巴鄂一役一波三折,卫冕冠军不仅比赛打得磕磕绊绊,而且又被裁判“阴”了一道。Leaps news sports news Realmadrid to defeat Bilbao service three waves to a single stroke, the defending champion not only competes hits roughly, moreover by referee "cloudy".