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在击剑时用的是把重剑。I use a heavy sabre in fencing.

重剑教他的这些话聋哑学生。Epee taught these words to his deaf students.

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重剑的系统主要用于图片形象标志。Epee's system used mostly picture image signs.

短剑戳人,重剑敲人,玻璃剑杀人。Dagger jabs, claymore knocks, Glass Sword slays.

我喜欢使用重剑,剑道以及阔刀风格。And I like to use Epee, Kendo , and Broadsword styles.

重剑开发了大量的手语词汇。Epee developed a large number of vocabulary words for sign language.

在1700年代中期法国人重剑发展了手语。In the middle of the 1700s a Frenchman named Epee developed sign language.

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花剑和重剑都是完全刺击项目,区别在于有效击中的部位。The foil and epée are both thrusting weapons but have different target areas.

他的执着在他安特卫普奥运赛场上,了回报,他赢得重剑团体的金牌。His insubordination paid off when he won a gold medal in the team épée event in Antwerp.

在花剑和重剑比赛中,只有剑尖触及对方才谈得上得分有效。In foil and epee, a touch can be considered valid only if it is made with the point of the weapon.

本研究旨在考察影响重剑运动员决策速度和准确性的因素。The study examined influential factors of epee fencers decision-making in simulating fencing situation.

重剑是能说,听,但他的一生大部分是在法国做聋人教师工作。Epee was able to speak and hear, but he worked during most of his life as a teacher of deaf people in France.

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你还真知道得不少。击剑也是源于战争手段。击剑有花剑、重剑、佩剑。Oh, you know quite a bit. The sport of fencing is also developed from military skills. It is a sport of dueling with foil, epee, and saber.

他在1976年蒙特利尔奥运会上被取消了参赛资格。他对其使用的重剑进行了改制,使之在没有击中对方的情况下民能显示其得分。At the Montreal Games of 1976 he was disqualified, for he tampered with his epee, causing it to register hits even when none had been scored.

无论针对短剑和重剑的专攻武器和专精武器专长对阳炎剑都适用,但效果不能叠加。Likewise, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization in short sword and bastard sword apply equally, but the benefits of those feats do not stack.

马可波罗意大利菲舍拉叮咬在8月16日2010年男子在新加坡青年奥运会重剑比赛活动颁奖仪式金牌。Marco Fichera of Italy bites his gold medal during the medal ceremony for the men's epee event at the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore on August 16, 2010.

花剑的有效击中部位是躯干、胸膛、肩膀和后背,而重剑的有效击中部位则包括全身。In foil competitions, the target areas are restricted to the torso, the chest, shoulders, and back while in epée competitions, the target area is the entire body.

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击剑的反攻战术属于一种积极防御方法,可以有效地抑制对手的进攻,是诸多重剑运动员直接得分的重要手段。The counter-attack tactics of fencing is one of ripostes to control combatants offensive action and its important method to gain points directly of many duellists.

在2008年8月10日举行的男子个人重剑决赛中,意大利的塔利亚里奥尔在击败了法国的让内夺得金牌后庆祝胜利。Matteo Tagliariol of Italy celebrates his victory against Fabrice Jeannet of France after their men's individual epee fencing final at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, August 10, 2008.

抢攻作为一种很有效的得分技术,已经在重剑实战中出现,在男子击剑项目中运用较多,而且得分率较高。To vie for attacking, as a kind of very effective score technology, has already appeared in the epee actual combat, it is used more in man's fencing project, and the scoring rate is relatively high.