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直到你的到来,并与我小坐片刻。Until you come and sit awhile with me.

下班之后,我总喜欢在“夜巴黎”小坐片刻。After work, I always like "Night in Paris" sit awhile.

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游览完唐人街后可以小坐和休息的公园。A quiet park to sit and rest after walking around Chinatown.

登山的时候不能急,累了就小坐片刻。Do not be hasty when climbing, sit for a while if you get tired.

邻居的男孩来小坐一会儿,参观一下鲍伯的最新模型火箭。The neighbour boy ran in for a minute to see Bob's newest model rocket.

我自己也喜欢在普林斯顿家里,的后院小坐。And I personally, even in my little backyard in Princeton, like to sit outside.

在住得起五星级酒店之前,我已经在五星级酒店的大堂小坐过。Before I could really afford 5 star hotels I sat in the foyers of 5 star hotels.

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柔和的灯光更显环境的典雅,配合优雅的音乐,即便只是小坐于此也是一种享受。Even a momentary sitting in the elegant soft light and soothing music will prove great joy.

在咖啡厅小坐一个下午,细细品尝着咖啡静静的观看着行走的路人。Plunk yourself down in a café and while away an afternoon, sipping un café and people-watching.

优雅的灯光下,品茗小坐,临窗观景,一份惬意油然而生。Inthe graceful light, you can sit with a cup of tea and enjoy the view, can you feel the comfort now?

老师去了旁边一个小餐馆小坐,和另一个顾客解释盲童怎样踢足球。The teacher is sitting in a nearby diner, explaining to another patron how it is that blind kids can play soccer.

他把我拉到一旁并一起到他办公室小坐,在那里我们聊了大半个小时。He pulled me aside and sat me down in his office where he told me stories and jokes for the better part of half an hour.

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除了注意饮食外,也去看最新上映的大片,也去咖啡馆小坐,还时常锻炼。In addition to attention to diet, but also to see the latest release of large and small coffee shop to sit, often tempered.

晚上和很久没见的德国朋友在后海一餐厅小坐,聊聊大家的近况,轻松惬意。Night and not seen in a long time friend in the sea after a German restaurant sit and talk about our current situation, relaxing.

几天前的一个下午,在书城附近和半年多没见的同事不期而遇,后我们就去了书城附近的仙踪林小坐。The other day in the afternoon, I met a colleague that I haven't seen her for half a year near the library. Then, We went to rbt.

可以到朋友家小坐或者你可以星期六或星期天邀请她到自己家里共享午餐。Stop over your friend's house afterwards or invite her back to your home where you can enjoy lunch together on a Saturday or Sunday.

首先,彩色的鱼状雕塑游动于窗前,向食客展示着菜肴,欢迎着食客到店内小坐。The first, a polychrome , fish-like object swims through the front window, displaying the menu and welcoming diners into the restaurant.

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月出半个,满天星辰。秋高气爽,古道幽幽。半夜心,三更梦。万里别,独上楼台小坐。Moonrise half, stars in the sky. An invigorating autumn climate, road and. Midnight, midnight dream. Million there, sit alone on the balcony.

一定要端着酒杯顺着螺旋梯上楼小坐,舒服的沙发椅,还有最棒的桌上足球。Be sure to take your drink up the spiral staircase to find extra seating in the form of comfy little arm chairs and, best of all, a foosball table.

电话也不经常打了,平时常以工作为借口,极少主动到父母身边小坐,连吃饭都变成一种奢侈,“没时间,工作忙”,是自己经常说的话。The phone is not often played, and usually often work as an excuse to her parents rarely take the initiative to sit, even to eat a kind of luxury, "no time, busy with work, " is that he often say.