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他妻子插言道。his wife interposed.

儿子插言道,他突然变得很爱争论。broke in her son, growing suddenly argumentative.

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我自言道,但是你错过了最好的部分!I said to myself, but you're missing the best part!

一位智者曾言道,我们最终都会是形单影只。As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone.

“我希望你真的已经读完报纸了,亨利?”他妻子插言道。"But I hope you HAD finished your reading, Henry?"his wife interposed.

言道,金钱买不来幸福。可这话老让我觉得过于模糊了。The old saw that money can't buy happiness always struck me as too vague.

“我可不想加入一家接收像我这样的人作为其成员的俱乐部,”格劳乔•马克斯曾如是言道。GROUCHO MARX once said that he did not care to belong to a club that accepted people like him as members.

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“我不在乎这块奖牌,我要的是金牌,”他愤言道。"I don't care about this medal. I wanted gold," Abrahamian said, adding that he would retire from the sport.

设计师言道,从LED礼服上看一通视频的话,相当于消耗2只家用电灯泡的电量。See a video of the LED Dress that, according to the designers, consumes about the same electricity as two household bulbs.

在这两起事件中,相关人士言道,圣母给他们未来事件的预言,并劝诫其祈祷和忏悔。In both cases, the people involved said that the Virgin Mary gave them predictions of future events and preached prayer and penance.

凤尾鱼是如此之多,你可以不沾湿双脚“行走于大海之上”——“别人就是这么给我说的”,萨科齐如是言道,即使在迎合之时,他也小心翼翼地给自己留有退路。There are so many anchovies, you can "walk on the sea" without wetting your feet—"or so I am told", said Mr Sarkozy, carefully giving himself a get-out clause even as he pandered.

凤尾鱼是如此之多,你可以不沾湿双脚“行走于大海之上”——“别人就是这么给我说的”,萨科齐如是言道,即使在迎合之时,他也小心翼翼地给自己留有退路。There are so many anchovies, you can “walk on the sea” without wetting your feet—“or so I am told”, said Mr Sarkozy, carefully giving himself a get-out clause even as he pandered.