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德凡正在筹划一场婚礼。Devan is planning a wedding.

筹划一个读书会怎么样?How about plan a reading party.

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白雅琳筹划了一个在宜家的五小时游玩计划。Bai mapped out a five-hour outing.

我正在筹划学校辩论会。I'm planning out the school debate.

那个计划已经筹划了一个星期了。That plan has been cooking for a week.

这个周末莪们筹划去登山。This weekend we plan to go mountain climbing.

企业的组织筹划对年轻人来说也可能很有压力。The setu can be stre ful for young adults, too.

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第三,企业纳税筹划理论体系落后。Third, the theory of taxes planning is backgound.

税收筹划在我国尚属新的概念。Tax plan is still a new conception in our country.

为什么我呆坐着设计筹划呢?Why do I sit down and devise schemes and invent plans?

计划一场血拼,烧烤,和朋友一起筹划一场聚会。Plan a shopping, baking, decorating party with friends.

企业税务筹划会产生宏观和微观双重效应。ETD leads to both micro-cosmic and macro-cosmic effects.

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他们筹划举办一个大型募捐活动。They were going to stage a large-scale money collecting.

任何事情我们没有经过仔细筹划就不可贸然行事。We must not rush into anything without careful planning.

许多人都在筹划着在林中幽会。Many plans for secret meetings in the woods were hatched.

现在他们正在筹划建立更多的场地供学生们踢球。It now plans to build more pitches for students to play on.

迈克尔Vick由于筹划斗狗再次遭到起诉。Michael Vick is being indicted again for staging dogfights.

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我们在伦敦有库存并筹划销售兼做代理。We keep a stock in London and act as distributors or agents.

纳税筹划不同于避税和偷税。Tax planning is different from tax avoidance and tax evasions.

但是教育真的可以被那样一板一眼地筹划吗?But can education ever be mapped out in such prescriptive terms?