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堆肥厕所。Composting toilets.

厕所在哪里?Where's the lavatory?

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甚至是一个原生态的厕所。And even a bio-toilet!

快去冲厕所!Go flush the toilet now!

“休息室”,是厕所的另一代词。A “Rest Room” is also a toilet.

去厕所尿尿,然后洗手。Go pee—pee and wash your hands.

我因此整天晚上起夜上厕所。I've been up all night with it.

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不用再去公共厕所。No more using communal toilets.

我给了我老板一罐/我在厕所里把它给了我老板。I gave it to my boss in the can.

我只得加入排队等着上厕所。I had to join a for the toilets.

我在厕所里呕吐。I was throwing up in the toilet.

这附近有公共厕所吗?Is there a public toilet around?

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厕所总是太小。Lavatories are always too small.

你到过我们的公共厕所吗?Have you seen our public toilets?

厕所里一尘不染,悄然无声。The room was spotless and silent.

妻子回答说,“我去刷厕所马桶。”"I clean the toilet. "she replies.

对不起,我要上厕所了。Sorry, I had to go to the washroom.

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到所有厕所找失踪人员。Search all W. C for missing persons.

这届会议是所谓的厕所平价。That session is called Potty Parity.

厕所的门打不开。The door of the toilet doesn't open.