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宛如魔方星星点点散布在河床In shapes like bits of puzzle strew the bottom

用它来管理星星点点的信息。Use it to manage bits and pieces of information.

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跨过夜空眼前是一条星星点点云雾线。It appears as a dusty, cloud-line across the sky.

褴褛的黑色西装皱皱巴巴的,还有星星点点的油渍。His worn black suit was wrinkled and spotted with grease.

一直以来,有关微软Courier平板电脑的故事都是星星点点的。The story of Microsoft's Courier has only been told in pieces.

四月带来报春花美美甜甜,脚边的雏菊星星点点。April brings the primrose sweet , scatters daisies at our feet.

褪去了白天的燥热,夜晚的丛林星星点点像是活了一样。The forest has come alive with bioluminescence as the day fades.

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一簇星星点点的光亮出现在离树林边缘不远的地方。A cluster of specks of light appeared near the edge of the woods.

广漠无垠的沙漠里,坟墓、石冢,还有不知名的土丘星星点点。Tombs cairns and unmarked heaps of earth dot the boundless sands.

雅致的西式别墅星星点点地掩映在热带植物丛中。Refined western-style villa pin-points covered in tropical plants bosk.

漫步池边,池塘水星星点点地泛着银光。I wandered by the pond, which was shimmering with dots of silvery light.

走过冬日的严寒,窗外星星点点的春意显得分外可爱。After a long cold winter, spring scenes look particularly lovely outside.

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我们就生活在您的社区里,星星点点地生活在大大小小的城市中。We are in your community, sprinkled throughout small towns and big cities.

一簇簇星星点点的白,依偎在树旁,靠近在我的脚下。Artistic bunches pinpricks of white, lying in the tree, near under my feet.

她穿着一条星星点点的鲜红裙子,那些星星形如星座。She wore a conspicuous red dress with stars in the form of a constellation.

珠子和亮片清淡的装饰为花童的裙装点缀了星星点点。Light embellishments of beads and sequins may add stars to the girl dresses.

青藏高原上牧民的帐篷是白色的,在以棕绿为基色的草原上宛如星星点点的针孔。The nomads' tent is a pinprick of white against a canvas of green and brown.

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星星点点的绿布满菜畦的时候,大家说不出的惊喜。Tiny spots of green full of vegetable garden when, everybody says no surprise.

生活中总有那一幕幕,在记忆的背景墙中,闪烁着星星点点的亮光。There are always pieces of life, glimmering bright in the background of memory.

夜色里,外边已经很凉了,地面上有萤火虫,天上有满天繁星,都闪烁着星星点点的光芒。It was cool outside now, in the night air. Glowworms glittered below, stars above.