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所有人都表情呆滞,瘦弱不堪。All look dull, thin state.

一个瘦弱的小老头儿。A weak small spare old man.

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多见于瘦弱的婴儿。Sees in the emaciated baby.

瘦弱的双胞胎锡匠。Tim , the thin twin tinsmith.

她的瘦弱的胳膊由于天冷而颤抖着。Her thin arms trembled in the cold.

迈克是一个瘦弱的小老头。Mike is a weak small spare old man.

这么拼命,你瘦弱的身体怎么受得了?So hard, your body how thin stand it?

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风似乎要把她瘦弱的身体吹起来。The wind seemed to lift her slight body.

似乎是表示“瘦弱的“It seems to mean something like "scrawny."

她身体是那么的瘦弱以至于不能做这份工作。She is so weak that she can't do this job.

那两个瘦弱的男孩是远房亲戚。Those two weak boys are distant relations.

瘦弱的巴特利拜正躺在冰冷的石头上。The thin Bartleby was lying on the cold stones.

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他们看起来比我要求的要瘦弱多了,格拉盖。They look pretty thin and weak to me, Gallegher.

贯穿一个颤抖的小女孩的瘦弱的身体。A shiver ran through the little girl's thin body.

她比我想象的要矮小瘦弱。She was smaller and slighter than I had imagined.

身形瘦弱的她有时只能喝水止饥。The frail Chen staved off hunger by drinking water.

嗯,我以前是海滩上最瘦弱的男人。Well, before, I was the skinniest guy on the beach.

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只吃这种食品,她变得非常瘦弱。Eating only this food, she became very thin and weak.

她歇斯底里地抽泣着,她瘦弱的身体哭得直颤抖。She sobbed hysterically, and her thin body was shaken.

观察家们对其瘦弱的外表颇感震惊。Observers were shocked at Steve's emaciated appearance.