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开放、流动的社会,破旧立新的取向。An open and fluid society, prefer change to tradition.

破旧立新的意思就是要用新方法解决问题。To "think outside the box" is to try new ways to solve a problem.

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关键是要知道何时该循规蹈矩,何时需破旧立新。The key is knowing when to follow the rules and when to break them.

变革的年代,因循守旧只能坐以待毙,要生存必须破旧立新。Changing time, lockstep can await one's doom, should live must destroy the old and establish the new.

在打着SOA旗号所进行的破旧立新活动之下,实施团队在一开始就可能会发现这种为了支持将来重用而需进行的额外工作。In the beginning implementation teams may find the extra work to enable future re-use under an SOA discipline disruptive.

这是过去五十年来一直沿用的方法,至今还没有人有足够的勇气破旧立新。This is the method that has been used for the past 50 years and so far no one has had the courage to go off the beaten track.

可以说,如何振兴辽宁老工业基地的问题,实际上就是一个如何破旧立新的问题。We can say , the problem of how to revitalize the old industrial base of Liaoning , in fact it is a problem of how to destroy the old and establish the new.

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而西风东渐、破旧立新的新文化运动正是主张这一切的思想基础。The New Culture Movement, which was influenced by the Western culture and tried to establish something new in place of the old, was the ideological basis for the improvements.

在对破旧立新背景、历程、特点进行阐释的基础上,分别以破除迷信和推行革命纪念日为例,分析涤荡旧俗和铸模新俗的过程和民众的反应。This chapter explains its background, procedure and features and takes the examples of the government's eliminating superstition and promoting commemoration days for revolution.

王通对儒学思想的破旧立新、繁荣发展起了关键的作用,他在三教关系发展史上的地位及其“三教可一”的思想都是很有价值的。Wang Tong played a key role for the reform and prospered development of Confucianism. It is very important that the status as Wang tong in history of Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism.

而那些现在有超额现金的基金都攒着钱不放。一方面是考虑到一些想抽身的客户可能会要求兑现赎回,另一方面则是伺机将钱转移到美国去。因为在一个破旧立新的环境里,一次正确的下注可能会成就一番大事业。Funds that do have surplus cash are holding it in expectation of redemptions from spooked clients, or redeploying it in America where a correct bet on a restructuring opportunity can make a career.

而传统的体育教学理念和模式已经不能适应高职院校的特点,体育教学改革势必破旧立新,才能适应新时期的发展。The traditional physical education in higher vocational colleges cannot meet the needs of teaching. The characteristics of physical education reform are bound to break so as to adapt to the new era.