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刷刷牙,绕圈圈。Brush my teeth, round and round.

终于当第九十九个小石子被放进圈圈的?。The ninetieth one came in at last.

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他麻利地转过身来,黑斗篷兜着圈圈。He turned quickly, his black cloak circling.

一阵微风吹过,湖面上漾起圈圈涟漪。A gentle breeze rippled the surface of the lake.

把那些你认为拼写错的词用圆圈圈起来。Ring round the words which you think are misspelt.

那把蓝色水壶的柄上有一圈圈黄色条纹。The blue pitcher has yellow bands around the neck.

巨大的一圈圈的带刺铁丝网在海浪中生锈。Giant loops of barbed wire lie rusting in the surf.

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将平静无波的生活激起一圈圈涟漪。The quiet life of wave ripples stirred up a circle.

事实上。你逃不出一直在绕圈圈的命运。Actually, you cannot avoid to go around this circle.

她波浪一般的头发形成松松的圈圈披在她的肩膀上。Her wavy hair fell in loose loops upon her shoulder.

在统治政体中,有各种不同的小圈圈。There are various factions within the ruling regime.

鸭子打着圈圈游了几下就死了。The duck swam in circles for a while and then he died.

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孩子们在绕圈圈,她们对太婆流泪已司空见惯。The girls mill around. They are used to her tears by now.

我会每天画圈圈咀咒你,希望你快点走。I will draw circles curse you every day, I hope you go home.

比赛一圈圈很快就过去了,看来好像没有人能击败麦坤。The laps flew by, and it looked as if no one would beat him.

树老了,会留下一圈圈的年轮。If a tree becomes old it will leave circuits of growth rings.

正午,我们在原地绕圈圈,并坚强地保持风度。Midday, we in situ round and round, and strong to keep poise.

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一位有胡子且蓄有又长且捲曲著小圈圈长发的男子。A man with a mustache wearing a tall twirls in a tight circle.

年轮一圈圈的密集,能回忆的故事却少的心疼。Dense ring of a circle, to recall the story is less distressed.

Sarah在线的顶端画了一个小圈圈。Sarah then carefully traced a small circle at the top of the line.