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我是一个花花公子。I’m a dude.

齐达内是个超酷花花公子吗?Is Zidane a cool dude?

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他们管他叫“花花公子”。They tagged him as a “playboy”.

所有女孩儿都知道他是个花花公子。All the girls know he's a womanizer.

但在现实生活中,他却是个游戏人间的花花公子。However, in real life he is a dandy.

这些花花公子整天沉湎于花天酒地的放荡生活。These playboys riot in dissipated living.

美貌女子和花花公子在旅馆里调情。Belles and beaux philandered in the hotels.

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嘿!花花公子戴夫波义耳,你还好吗?Hey ! dandy dave boyle, how ' s it hanging.

他年轻时是个花花公子。In his youth he was an extravagant epicurean.

不,花花公子,但无论如何它在上面。No, no, Playboy, but anyway it was over that.

但首要的一步是,花花公子要去寻找商机。But first, Playboy will go looking for bunnies.

不要说我没告诉你他是一个花花公子。Don't say I didn't warn you, he is a womanizer.

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叫你傲慢无知的花花公子。For calling you an arrogant, reckless popinjay.

他是个花花公子,花起钱来大手大脚惯了。He is a playboy, and spends money hand-over-fist.

他赌朋友给他丘了一滚花花公子”的绰慌。He has been given a label "playboy" by his friends.

你从没叫过我傲慢无知的花花公子。You never called me an arrogant, reckless popinjay.

这一期墨西哥版的花花公子影印了100000份Playboy Mexico printed 100, 000 copies of the issue.

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他发现他常常在端详浴场上的那些花花公子。He found himself looking at the young bucks at the bath.

我朋友模仿花花公子克林顿模仿的可像了。My friend can do a good imitation of Clinton the playboy.

大家可以原谅花花公子,但不会原谅和尚或神父。People will forgive philanderers but not monks or priests.