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谢谢多为亲朋戚友的关心于祝福。Thanks for all wishes by family and friend.

邻居既亲朋戚友来送岳母最后一程。Relatives, neighbours and friends during the final send off procession.

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所以敬请通知亲朋戚友踊跃出席,大大支持!So do inform your friends and relatives to come in great number to support!

经行几处江山改,多少亲朋尽白头!The line of several rivers and mountains change, and how many friends do bald!

爱子还能识别人脸,家里有亲朋挚友来访时,她会向他们打号召。Aiko recognise faces and says hello when any of my family come around to visit.

主人老早便让自家的孩子去请邻里亲朋。Master long ago let their own children to invite neighborhood friends and family.

使用者更可以透过分享功能将贺句传送给心爱的亲朋戚友。Users may also send email with attachment of blessings and voice to friends as gifts.

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我背芍者的亲朋战家属暗示慰问,并为他们祈祷。My thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families of those killed and injured.

此外,你还可以在邮局预订一封由圣诞老人亲笔签名的信,寄给你亲朋戚友。Besides that, you can engage a letter signed by Santa Claus for your families or friends.

方便同学、同事、亲朋戚友来访小居。Convenient classmate, colleagues, friends or relatives whom you wish to visit small habitat.

另外他写到,人们因为工作不好找反而有了更多的时间和亲朋相处。What's more, he writes, people have more time for friends and family during times of higher unemployment.

由此得出的结论是,共同过度饮食和缺乏运动会导致亲朋集体发福。They concluded that over-eating together and lack of exercise influence a group of friends or family to get fat.

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这瓶酒适合与亲朋在酒席上共享也可享受独酌一杯的惬意。This is a wine made for drinking with friends over a meal or simply to enjoy the pleasure of drinking a fine wine.

这意味着,除非拥有美国居住权或者当地亲朋做担保人,许多国际学生将因贷款问题而无法完成学业。That means many international students are out of luck unless they have lived in the U.S. or have a co-signer here.

婚礼那天,为了避开洞房花烛夜的尴尬,他喝下亲朋敬过来的酒。Wedding that day, for averting from wedding night of embarrassed, he drank friend to respectfully come over of wine.

一份柔媚、多彩又有着一丝神秘的琉璃饰品,将代表着您对亲朋拥有多彩生活的美好祝福。The colored glaze ornaments, gentle, lovely and slight mysterious, will bring best wishes to your family and friends.

他从未拥有财势,他的亲朋也都平庸凡俗,没有受过训练或正规教育。He possessed neither wealth nor influence. His relatives were inconspicuous and had neither training nor formal education.

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那些在临终之际要有亲朋围簇的人之所以如此,原因是他们对独自度过临终时刻心存畏惧,感到无力。Those who ask to be surrounded by friends when they die do so out of fear and inability to live their final moments alone.

秉承金华、杭帮菜系之精髓的粗菜馆餐厅,为您承现了一个物有所值的亲朋聚餐和宴请之最佳场所。The A simple diet is famous for peasant family style cuisines of JinHua and HangZhou cuisines. It's the best choice of banquets.

您可以和您的主治大夫、亲朋挚友讨论后,再作出决定。You should not make this decision in haste. You should discuss it with your doctors. You should discuss it with your loved ones.