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她阴险的笑了。She laughed nastily.

我知道你这人阴险狡猾。I know you are foxing.

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你这阴险的杀人犯。You back-Stabbing murderer.

那个阴险的家伙心如蛇蝎,无恶不作。AS a viper, stopped at no evils.

但事实真相却要阴险险恶得多。But the truth is much more sinister.

在'奥赛罗'中,埃古是一个阴险的角色。Iago is the heavy role in 'Othello'.

老天!玻璃是种阴险的东西。Pardi! Glass is a treacherous thing.

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那猎物是阴险的,它有所提防。The prey was crafty and on its guard.

啗约翰的行为表明他是一个冷酷阴险的人。John's behavior should him to be a snake.

凯瑟琳说,“你以为我说这些是出于阴险的自私心么?”You think I speak from wicked selfishness?

你这阴险的杀人犯。Classic Film Clips You back-Stabbing murderer.

丈夫所在单位的老板很阴险也不道德。The boss of her husband is viperous and immoral.

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阴沟是阴险的,可以告发你。The sewer is treacherous and tells tales of you.

但我认为实际上并没有那么阴险。But I think the actual explanation is less sinister.

电视新闻制作尤其阴险。Television news programming is especially insidious.

一座地陷在山脚下阴险地等待。A cave-in is waiting insidiously at the mountain foot.

他阴险地利用了他们急需要帮助的心情。He wickedly took advantage of their urgent need for hlep.

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他是我遇到的人中最阴险狡诈的一个。That insidious man bad-mouthed me to almost everyone else.

那个阴险的家伙几乎见人便说我的坏话。That insidious man bad-mouthed me to almost everyone else.

这样的阴险和中伤朋友是否对得起自己的地位?Do women deserve their reputation for cattiness and backbiting?