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现在有零级了。There is now a level zero.

世界上不可能有零风险机会。It is not possible to have opportunity without risk.

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要有零丁自处的能力,不要放过孤寂的好处。Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude.

如果文件不存在,则认为它有零行。If the file doesn't exist, it's treated as having zero lines.

好的安全意识。有零事故的工作历史。Good safety awareness. Have safe work history with zero accidents.

和其他任何集合一样,其中可能有零个、一个或多个成员。Like any other set, this result can have zero, one, or more members.

包含有零输出电流漂移、跨度漂移和非线性。This includes zero output current drift, span drift, and nonlinearity.

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对于新应用程序,预览显示数据库中有零个文档。For a new application, the preview shows zero documents in the database.

因为一个点有零的向度,一条线就被定义为拥有一个向度。Since a point has zero dimensions, a line is defined as having one dimension.

如果这个管段没有被发现,在应答中将会有零发现响应。If this pipe isn't found, then zero discovery responses will be sent in reply.

根据结构的不同,同一状态下可以有零个至多个项目被展开。There can be zero or more items expanded at a time, depending on the configuration.

八世纪印度出现了有零的符号的最老的刻版记录。The eighth century, there have been zero symbols engraved on the oldest version of record.

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表示可以有零个或多个事件触发器,这些触发器可以识别状态更改。An indication may have zero or more event triggers, which are recognitions of changes in state.

歌星没有零钞,就拿出一张100元的,可恰巧司机手里也没有足够的零钞了。Without change, the singer took out a 100-yuan note, but the driver didn’t have any change, either.

你可以从一个核出发,看向另一个核,中间没有零平面,没有节点,什么也没有。You can start from one nucleus and go to the next nucleus, and there are no zero planes, no nodes, nothing.

不管怎么说,人们还有零回报的国库券或最小两百分比收益的现金可以选。People have a choice between holding T-bills at zero return, or holding cash at around minus 2 percent return.

节点可以有零个或多个子节点以及零个或多个相关属性,实际的内容保存在子节点和属性中。A node can have zero or more children, and zero or more associated properties, where the actual content is stored.

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针对四开关逆变器没有零电压控制矢量的特点,提出了回扫延时的概念。In this method eight voltage controlling vectors are summarized, four vectors of which are selected to control a motor.

我们的电子邮件收件箱看起来可能是我们的最高优先事务,但如果你不加小心的话,“收件箱有零封未读邮件”可能会导致“零活力”。Our email inbox may seem to be our highest priority, but "inbox zero" can lead to "energy zero" if you are not careful.

我们的大门为所有零基础的朋友敞开,加入我们,体会舞蹈的美妙,然后循序渐进地成为一个舞林高手。Our door is open all the zero-based friends to join us and experience the beauty of dance, and then gradually become a champions.