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火焰从烟囱里轰轰地喷出来。The fire roars up the chimney.

时代的车轰轰地往前开。And the vehicle of life rumbles on.

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他往下沉,沉,沉,水在他耳朵轰轰直响。How it sang in his ears as he went down, down, down!

不知哪里落了几颗迫击炮弹,闷声闷气地轰轰几响。A few mortar shells were landing somewhere with a flat thudding sound.

听阿,神轰轰的声音,是他口中所发的响声。Hear attentively the noise of his voice, and the sound that goeth out of his mouth.

听阿,神轰轰的声音,是他口中所发的响声。Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice, to the rumbling that comes from his mouth.

他们这么做了,枪声起了,手榴弹仍出去了,机关枪狂扫着,轰轰轰轰。And so they did, guns singing, grenade launchers, machine guns, boom-boom-boom-boom.

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浑黄的浪头激烈地推撞着他,在他四周响成轰轰的一片。As the muddy yellow waves slapped against him, the sound all around him became a roar.

当乌云在轰轰地响着,天打着雷的时候,我总爱心里带着恐惧爬伏到你的身上。When the clouds rumble and it thunders, I love to be afraid in my heart and cling to you.

伴随着轰轰的雷鸣声,雪崩从巴基斯坦喀啦昆仑山脉无名塔峰上的岩石间顺势而下。Anavalanche thunders down the rocky flanks of Nameless Tower inPakistan's Karakoram Range.

暮春的油菜花一片放肆,粉蝶轰轰其上。In late spring, the flowers of rape are blossoming wildly, alluring swarms of butterflies.

黄河轰轰地应声响着,对岸壁立的悬崖已经很近了。The Yellow River responded with its rumble, and the cliffs on the Shanxi bank drew nearer.

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搭客汽车从远处轰轰地驰来了,我赶忙摆他的手,高声说道。The bus came rumbling up. Withdrawing my hand from his, I answered at the top of my voice.

设定严格、实际的时限是让计划不断“轰轰”前行的极好方法。Setting real but attainable limits is a great way to keep the project humming, so to speak.

本以为会雷声轰轰,但是还是挺让我感到意外的,它居然一个屁也没放就算蒙混过关。I thought it's would thunder many. But let me feel accident that it's not give one to passed off.

这是个热得令人眼花的炎炎的酷暑天,她在桃树街上走了不远就觉得太阳穴在轰轰地跳了。It was blindingly, glaring hot and as she hurried down Peachtree Street her temples began to throb from the heat.

汽车和卡车的轰轰声在风吹树叶沙沙声的洗刷下,化作了一种遥远的响动。The rumble of cars and trucks, though, washed into a high distant sound that blended with the rustle of the wind through the leaves.

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整整那一天,从清晨到太阳下山,大炮没有停止轰轰作响,黑夜中,连续不断的炮声突然停止。All that day, from morning until past sunset, the cannon never ceased to roar. It was dark when the cannonading stopped all of a sudden.

中午,烈日炎炎的时候,可以去溪源峡谷倾听潺潺的流水声和瀑布发出的“轰轰”声。At noon, the hot weather, they can go to River Valley to listen to the source of the water gurgling sound of waterfalls issued a "roaring" sound.

模糊的梦中我好像感受到不远处有强烈的震感,像是百千种健壮的动物齐刷刷地朝著同一个方向赶来,带著无穷轰轰声。I seem to feel fuzzy dreams not far strongly felt, like a heavenly animal species robust uniform came towards the same direction, with the endless roaring sound.