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她跳着舞横穿过了房间。She danced across the room.

四名男士横穿过马路。Four men ran across the road.

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威尔河横穿过一个公园。The Wayle cuts across a park.

这个女孩横穿马路。The girl ran across the road.

我们乘卡车横穿沙漠。We traverse the desert by truck.

他们在横穿马路。They are walking across the road.

有个男孩正在横穿马路。A boy is running through the road.

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我不认为随意横穿马路是允许的。I don't think jaywalking is allowed.

这个小女孩横穿马路。The little girl ran across the road.

你看见那些孩子横穿马路了吗?Do you see those children jaywalking?

这个小女孩横穿马路。The little girl goes across the road.

横穿马路时要留心看交通指挥灯。Cross with care at the traffic lights.

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为什么这个朋克横穿马路?Why did the punk rocker cross the road?

横穿市区的电车开始拥挤起来。The cross-town cars began to be crowded.

她看准时机横穿马路。She watched her moment to cross the road.

只横穿三条马路就是邮局。The post-office is only three blocks away.

警察注意到了他横穿马路。The policeman noticed him cross the street.

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检查行人是否横穿马路的行动已开展了。Actions have been taken to check jaywalking.

它表示铁道线横穿公路。It warns that railway tracks cross the road.

那小孩突然横穿过马路。The child made a sudden dart across the road.