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教主,没字幕也没文本啦?Caption and text will be added. Thx.

嘿,上东区的各位,这里是花边新闻教主。Hey upper east siders, Gossip Girl here.

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向问天的伤势已无大碍,还问起教主现在怎么样。To ask injury had no matter, how still ask leader now.

其教主并不一定由出家人担任,而往往是在家居士行使大权。The head of the sect was often not a monk but a hereditary ruler.

不过,今日既然送上门来,本教主又岂会放过你。However, since send to come today, this religious leader again will pass you.

不过,今日既然送上门来,本教主又岂会放过你。However, since bring to come today, this religious leader again will pass you.

他挣扎着想冲到教主身边,然而他僵硬的躯体,却再也不能向前移。Rémy tried to lunge for the Teacher, but his stiffening body could barely move.

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这是个被教主统治的世界,目的是控制整个生灵。It is a world dominated by The Magisterium, which seeks to control all humanity.

北方叫羯磨部,成就佛做教主,共有这五部。The north is the karma division with Accomplishment Buddha as the teaching host.

不要用你准备带查经或教主日学的经文来灵修。主有更多话要对你说。Don't use a passage you need to teach or study for devotional. He has more to say.

他是当地一个叫做“査那教”的基督教门派的教主,该教允许一夫多妻。He heads a local Christian religious sect, called the "Chana", which allows polygamy.

一期又一期的破销量成绩,使叶朗获得「潮流教主」的称号。A period and a period of sales performance, make Ye Lang gained the title of tide leader.

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国王,领袖,教主都选择我因为我是权利和智慧的象征。Kings, chiefs and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom.

教主释迦牟尼佛本来已达到没有病痛的境界。Sakyamuni Buddha originally attained to the state of Suchness, where sicknesses are absent.

弟子说他们说魔教教主东方不败藏在寺中,所以杀上山来。Disciple said they said the teach hierarch east dont hurt hide in the temple, so kill up to.

潮流教主叶朗是众多潮流名人的偶像,但在这次时装表演中,叶朗迟迟未到。Tide leader Ye Lang is many celebrity idols tide, but in the fashion show, Ye Lang hasnt happened.

企业招聘外教主要是员工内训或者领导助理等职务。Enterprise recruitment of foreign teachers is mainly internal staff or leading assistant positions.

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云南五毒教教主蓝凤凰与令狐冲一见投缘,给令狐冲疗伤。SINS of yunnan teach hierarch blue phoenix and make fox blunt saw congenial to healing linghu chong.

贾布说自己是奉了教主的命令,让任盈盈不要瞎说。JiaBu saying that he himself is to serve the hierarch commands, let let ying ying dont talk nonsense.

一名男子涉嫌在尼科西亚肆意破坏三名总教主的坟墓在塞浦路斯被捕。A man has been arrested in Cyprus on suspicion of vandalizing the tombs of three archbishops in Nicosia.