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定价高于边际成本Price above that.

然后成本暴增。Then costs exploded.

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成本耗费在哪里?Where are the costs?

阿每线成本较低。A lower cost per lead.

另一项成本是犯罪。Another cost is crime.

但是节约的成本增加了。Butthe savings add up.

成本效益分析。Cost-benefit analysis.

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那么什么叫“外部成本”?So what's an externality?

维修成本和备件价格较高。Cost of maintance is high.

招聘职员,须能计算成本。Clerk wanted, able to cost.

而且成本很高。It was very very expensive.

项目周期成本估算。Life-cycle cost estimating.

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什么是用家「成本」?B. What are the User "costs"?

运行实际估算成本计算。Run actual imputed cost calc.

运输成本也在增加。Transport costs have shot up.

这价格低于成本。The price is under first cost.

你最好做一些成本估算。You'd better do some costings.

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显示计划估算成本。Display plan imputed cost calc.

下一年标准成本制定。Update Std. cost for next year.

维护计划估算成本。Maintain plan imputed cost calc.