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鸽子的说话,卖艺人不会唱歌。Speaking of doves, buskers cannot sing.

晚上我到火车站外面去卖艺。I busk outside a railway station at night.

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卖艺者和动物群游行于街道中。The performers and animals paraded the streets.

我们只是街头卖艺的,我们正在排练。We're just street performers. We were rehearsing.

节庆假日,杂耍艺人便在街头卖艺。On festive days, acrobats performed in the streets.

这可难不倒张飞,他决定到街头卖艺。This can not beat Zhang Fei, he decided to street performers.

我以前常在街头卖艺,但警察总是命令我走开。I used to busk, but I was always being moved on by the police.

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坐在一个街头卖艺的狗,2009年10月20日在哈瓦那。The dog of a street entertainer sits in Havana October 20 2009.

他们闲暇时就在格拉斯哥的阿盖尔街上演唱卖艺。They spent their free time in Glasgow busking in Argyle Street.

耍杂的,卖艺的,脚踩天,头顶地。Acrobat, busker. Their feet to the sky, their heads to the floor.

卓别林,他的童年,在操场上和巡回剧团卖艺或零工。Chaplin his childhood in the playground and itinerant troupes busk or odd jobs.

想到这,我意识到我没有理由因为他是卖艺人而轻视他。I thenrealizedI had no right to place myself abovehimjust because he was busking.

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一个卖艺人能在绳子上跳舞,荡大秋鞑、大斛斗等。An acrobat can dance on a rope or wire, swing on trapezes, turn handsprings , etc.

马戏团进城了,我们成了一队走错地方的江湖卖艺人。The circus is in town, and we have become a band of travelling minstrels and misfits.

通常在在巴基斯坦,跨性别者要么卖艺,要么卖身,要么沦为乞丐。Commonly in Pakistan, transgenders have either been entertainers, or sex workers, or beggars.

其实纽约的很多地铁站都有卖艺的人,但中央车站最多,个人感觉水平也最高。Actually many new subway has busk, but the central station at the highest level of personal feeling, too.

好像卖艺人的海鸥,在发亮的水做的地毯上,表演出迷人的翻筋斗把戏。Acrobatic seagulls were giving a fascinating performance of fancy somersaults over the glistering, watery carpet.

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这首歌很快成为提洛尔卖艺者们的最爱,这些卖艺者在冬天常奔忙于欧洲各地演唱赚钱。It soon became a favorite with Tyrolean singers, traveling up and down the continent in the winter to earn money.

谭盾成功了,但那个黑人小伙却仍在街头卖艺,你从中学到些什么?Why did Tan Dun get success while the black continued playing the violin in the street. What can we learn from it?

在英国剑桥,一名游客正给一位在垃圾桶里演唱的街头卖艺者拍照留念。A tourist takes pictures as a street musician performs from inside a trash receptacle in Cambridge, England. via Time.