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但是,米粒是不会动的。But rice grains do not move.

它们像大米粒儿。They are like grains of rice.

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那雪白雪白的雪真像米粒一样。The Snow White snow is like a grain of rice.

加入淘好的米煸炒至米粒开始变透明。Add rice and cook until the rice turn translucent.

用小西红柿,乳酪,和含有罗勒的调味料调制而成的米粒沙拉Orzo Salad with Tomatoes, Feta, and Basil Vinaigrette

加入米饭,拌炒至米粒脱皮及开始焦黄。Add rice, stir until coated and grains start to burst.

像稻穗一样,米粒越饱满,垂得越低。Like the spike of rice, the fuller it is, the lower it bows.

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拉曼,报导了固定化的分子金属纳米粒。or Raman reporter molecule immobilized metallic nanoparticles.

他们发现米粒,能厚厚地覆盖全世界。They realized that the rice could fill up the entire world with a thick layer.

一个比米粒还小的、柔软的东西通过导管被送入到输卵管内。A catheter delivers a soft material smaller than a grain of rice into the tube.

现在,勒雷和勒瑞都在盼望着可以在他们的模型中使用磁性纳米粒。Now, Lelièvre and Leary are looking to use magnetic nanoparticles in their model.

秋天,枣花落了,米粒般大小的枣儿怕羞似的躲在叶片下。Autumn, jujube Whispering, and rice-sized scilloides shy like hiding under the leaves.

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根据此技术,可获得粒径小而可调的磁性纳米粒,在水中分散性好。It could prepare magnetic nanoparticles of small size and larger dispersibility in water.

绝大多数粳稻品种的米粒属短、粗类型。For japonica rice, the grains of most varieties were short and coarse in length and shape.

米粒从粒长上看,多属于短粒型品种,从长宽比上看,多属于粗粒形品种。To the length the grain belongs to short kind, and to the shape belongs to the coarse kind.

做海鲜饭要用传统的巴伦西亚大米,米粒呈圆形、大小中等。The traditional Valencia rice, the one used for paella, is a round, medium-short grain rice.

人体的甲状旁腺总共有4个,每个的大小和米粒差不多,它们分布在颈部。There are four of these, each just the size of a grain of rice, which are located in the neck.

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觉得雨像粒大米饭,那种刚蒸熟的米粒,具有强大的粘附力。Feel the rain as rice grains, the grain of rice that had just steamed, with a strong adhesive force.

目的制备一种新型具有抗凝血活性的肝素铁纳米粒。OBJECTIVE The aim of current study was to prepare and characterize novel iron heparin nanoparticles.

烧滚上汤,加入海鲜后慢火煮约5分钟,然后加入鱼肉及粟米粒。Bring stock to the boil, lower seafood and cook for 5 minutes. Then add the fish and the corn kernels.