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上去的就永远下不来。What goes up never comes down.

她的体温降下不来。Her temperature won't come down.

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他在那棵树上,下不来了。He is in that tree. He can't get down.

这两天温度下不来。The temperature won't fall these days.

我是担心我们打败她令她下不来台吗?Are you worried we beat her to make her galling?

他说圣诞老人太胖了,下不来我们的烟囱。He says Santa is too fat to come down our Chimney.

那只小猫爬上树但下不来了。The kitten climbed the tree and couldn't get down.

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吉姆从树上下不来了。你能帮帮忙吗?Jim can't get down from the tree. Can you help him?

小男孩爬上树,却下不来了。Thee boy climbed up the tree and couldn't get down.

看电影真愉快,可惜票价下不来。Watching movies is fun, but the ticket prices never go down.

你提的问题让他当场下不来台。Your question stopped him in his tracks, ie disconcerted him.

你的话说得太重,弄得他下不来台了。Your remarks were much too harsh for him to swallow with good grace.

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方琼因为被骗了钱,面子上下不来,在家绝食抗议。Because Fang Qiong cheated money, face on Monday, a hunger strike at home.

你管我要钱我很下不来台的。我现在也没有那么多。You're really putting me on the spot by asking me for money. I don't have that much right now, either.

我做了一个梦,梦见穿着红衣的圣诞老人给我送来一个礼物。悲剧的是礼物太大了,卡在烟囱里下不来。I had a dream. Santa in red delivered a gift to me. But it was too huge that it's stuck in the chimney.

我刚接到电话,3个月之前申请的贷款年前下不来了。I have just received a phone call, 3 months prior to the application of the loans years ago can't get down.

当一些人永远下不来时,成为可以下机的人中之一可能会更好些。It's better to be one of the people who gets off the plane at all, when some people aren't going to make it.

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他们已经谈了差不多一个小时了,瀚峰兑现了对母亲的承诺,没有以他的冷淡态度让女方下不来台。They had spent almost an hour talking, and he had fulfilled his mother’s wish without humiliating the woman with his lack of interest.

他负责的部门很有些权力,他在那个部门一呆十一年,动不了,上不去,也下不来。He is responsible for the Department some powers, he in the Department for eleven years, unable to move, go up not to go, you can also.

如果你的朋友存心捉弄你,拿你的弱点开玩笑,让你下不来台,你将作何反应?A good friend pulls off a well-conceived practical joke that plays on one of your foibles and makes you look ridiculous. How would you react?