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但是宗教不然。Religion is not.

它可是一门宗教?Is it a religion?

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或者无宗教信仰?Or no religion at all.

他涉猎宗教。He dabbled in religions.

另一帖良方是宗教。Another cure is religion.

宗教杂志。Journal of Religion, The.

还有一句宗教的And this is a religious one.

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在同样的区域,会有不同宗教信仰的人员混合。In the same areas, and mixed.

宗教是诱导人们积德行善的力量吗?Is religion a force for good?

宗教融合也非常重要。Syncretism was very important.

这种旧宗教正在消亡。The old religion is perishing.

他将其与宗教进行了比较。He compares that with religion.

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我知道上帝是源于宗教。I know God through my religion.

你说你的宗教是真教?You mean your religion is true?

这是在宗教改革运动之前。That was before the Reformation.

直到犹太人改信别的宗教。Till the conversion of the Jews.

鞑莱喇嘛是什么宗教?What religion is the Dalai Lama?

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但他也唱宗教诗歌But he also sang religious music.

不要亵渎别人的宗教。Don't blaspheme others' religion.

她放弃了自己的宗教信仰。She disowned her religious belief.