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他与同学们并驾齐驱。He bore up with his classmates.

她与她的同学们并驾齐驱。She bore up with her schoolmates.

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是的,他与伊恩并驾齐驱了。Yes, he is neck and neck with Ian.

他的车和跑在头里的车并驾齐驱。His car was abreast of the leading car.

美国国家广播公司同福克斯公司并驾齐驱排在第二位。ABC and Fox were neck-and-neck for second place.

美国国家广播公司同福克斯公司并驾齐驱排在第二位。NBC and Fox were neck-and-neck for second place.

在头50米,我能与约翰逊并驾齐驱跑得一样快。I will be able to stay with Johnson in the first 50 metres.

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物流“和”网络并驾齐驱,在种种媒介上纵横驰骋。Logistics" and "network in unison across the various media.

一直到终点两匹马都并驾齐驱,互不相让。The two horses were neck and neck all the way down to the wire.

当然,我想通常,这两个问题都是并驾齐驱的。Of course, often, I think, people run together these two questions.

在体操比赛中,两支队伍并驾齐驱。In the gymnastic contest, the two teams kept abreast with each other.

“一代天骄”成吉思汗骑在立刻与拿破仑并驾齐驱。Mongolian conqueror Genghis Khan is riding a horse opposite Napoleon.

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“一代天骄”成吉思汗骑在马上与拿破仑并驾齐驱。Mongolian conqueror Genghis Khan is riding a horse opposite Napoleon.

围绕它的城墙坚厚宽阔,足够四辆战车并驾齐驱。Four chariots could drive alongside each other on top of its enormous wall.

它与英式台球和美式台球并驾齐驱。深入哄传于深入地时尚于西半球和亚洲华东。Widely spread in the western hemisphere and widely popular in the east of Asia.

克里米亚战争结束后,南丁格尔的名气几乎和英女王并驾齐驱。After the Crimean War, Nightingale was almost as famous as the Queen of England.

与法国并驾齐驱,奥地利的排名得益于其地处内陆的优势。Neck and neck with France, Austria benefits in the rankings by being landlocked.

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在反潜艇战中,空中的武器现在已和水面的舰艇并驾齐驱。In anti-U-boat warfare the air weapon was now an equal partner with the surface ship.

我滑雪滑的不好,但我喜欢滑雪,而且滑得还很快,可以与那些擅长滑雪的人并驾齐驱。I wasn`t a good skier, but I liked to ski and was fast and kept up with the good ones.

在少赛一场的情况下,斑马军团重新回到积分榜榜首,与拉齐奥并驾齐驱。The Bianconeri are now back at the top of the table alongside Lazio with a game in hand.