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成化威老师如何看待卢敏老师的学生?What does teacher Cheng Huawei treat teacher Lu Min's students?

坐下来欣赏这个苏格兰威士忌成化的木桶吧。Sit back and enjoy watching this cask of Scottish whisky maturing.

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明代成化年间,顾云重修,符瑛作记。Ming Dynasty Chenghua years, Gu rehabilitation, Fu-ying to remember.

论文以成化、弘治年间的茶陵派为研究对象。This dissertation is mainly studying and analyzing the Chaling school.

研究己成化石的植物和动物的遗体及其生活遗迹的科学。The study of fossilized , or preserved, remnants of plant and animal life.

顶棚中间镶嵌的是大明成化年间的盘子和碟子。On the ceilings are plates and saucers of the Chenghua Period of Ming Dynasty.

不同元素的原子,以简单的整数比化合成化合物。Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole number ratios to form compounds.

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这一结论被全集成化的CCPLL实验研究所验证。These results have been proved by the experiment of an all integrated circuit CCPLL.

这些精美的瓷器都是成化皇帝与万贵妃爱情绝唱的见证。These exquisite porcelain Are the Chenghua emperor and wanguifei love masterpiece witness.

目前,化学气相淀积已成为无机合成化学的一个新领域。Currently, chemical vapor deposition of inorganic synthetic chemistry has become a new area.

甲酸甲酯作为新的碳源,在羰基合成化学中的作用越来越受到重视。Methyl formate becomes more and more important as a new source of carbon in the carbonyl synthesis.

至少在成化年间,州县衙门亲自审理民间纠纷已成为官员通识。At least in the Chenghua period, counties Yamen personally hear civil disputes has become a liberal officials.

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成化年间宦官机构开始急速膨胀,至明朝末年竟达到七万人之多。The eunuch bureaucracy began to grow in Chenghua’s reign and reached ‘seventy thousand’ by the end of the Ming.12

在这些器物的底部,都有双蓝方框的底款,内书“大明成化年制”。In the bottom of these objects, Britain has the bottom section of double blue box, inside the book "Da Ming Chenghua years".

此罐是仿明代成化斗彩茶叶罐,罐共有团菊八组,每组有黄、红两色菊花组成。Overall the body is covered with eight groups of round chrysanthemum, each group consisting of yellow and red chrysanthemums.

而复辟的天顺朝,却是锦衣卫权势大张的时期。成化初年,再命内臣领校尉缉事,东厂始为定制。In the Chenghua period, eunuchs were again authorized to spy outer matters and the Dong Chang was established at the same time.

是故正、嘉二朝不但是廷杖的第二高峰期,其规模及伤害更远非成化朝所能及。Therefore, Cheng-Te Reign and Chia-Ching Reign is not only second peak, the affection and harm caused by is also beyond Cheng-hua reign.

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重点介绍了全集成化的新型电动机综合保护装置的组成及其工作原理。This paper puts emphasis on the composition and working principle of a new whole integration electricmotor integrated protective device.

明朝成化年间,王臣在苏州索括书画、古玩,引起了秀才的抗议活动,这在史学典籍和小说中都有记载。Wang Chen plundered calligraphy and painting in the city Suzhou during the reign of Cheng Hua in Ming Dynasty, which caused scholars' rebellion.

明代的成化、弘治年间,馆阁诗歌创作出现了宗宋的现象。The phenomena of following the masters of the Song Dynasty in creating poems took shape in the Ming Hanlinyuan during Chenghua and Hongzhi Years.