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你值得拥有!You deserve it!

但是他值得成为年度人物吗?But is he worthy?

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那是值得的。That’s worthwhile.

它一概值得一看。Ithas worth seeing.

但是,这值得一试。But it was rewarding.

这事值得我们付出劳动。It is worth our work.

做广告是值得的。It pays to advertise.

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他值得汲引。He deserves promoting.

他的工作值得奖赏。His work merits a prize.

我认为这一点值得注意。I think it's noteworthy.

你认为哪个更值得?Which do you value more?

但它值得我们为之奋斗。But it is worth fighting.

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杨硕说,“但是这些痛苦都值得。”Butit was worth the pain.

这部电影值得一看吗?Is the film worth seeing?

这是个值得纪念的日子。This is a red-letter day.

但是这还是值得重复的。But it is worth repeating.

我所做的一切都是值得的。Everything I do is worthy.

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我是说,我有这么不值得爱吗?I mean, am I so unlovable?

蛮有意思,值得一看。It's worth to take a look.

比如像注册权就不值得浪费更多的时间,但这位律师又是否知道呢?But does the attorney know?