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一切难以了解的矛盾龃龉。All the contradictions, hard to understand.

完全不要和长得丑的龃龉,他们曾经没什么可输的了。Never get into fights with ugly people! they haudio-videoe nothing to lose.

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抗议民众与镇暴警察发生龃龉。There were some angry exchanges between the riot police and the protestors.

首先,通知系统和流量下跌风波中就产生了不少龃龉。First, there was the brouhaha over the notification system and the drop in traffic.

只要彼此心中有着牵念,再多的龃龉隔阂,总会消除。So long as lovers have care for each other, discord and estrangement will be removed.

有天她得到了一个好消息,她离婚的妹妹与自己的男朋友因发生龃龉而出现裂痕了。One day she got a piece of good news, the divorce her sister and her boyfriend because of discord and cracks.

出于约翰逊与白人之间发生龃龉的教训,路易斯的管理团队制定了一系列的规则来指导他的行为,包括禁止与白人女性照相、对外表现出禁欲主义的姿态以及干净的私生活等。Remembering how Johnson had alienated whites, Louis’s management team installed a set of rules for his conduct.

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欧洲联盟无疑帮助西欧各国缓解了它们之间长久的龃龉。The European Union has certainly helped to reduce the historic antagonisms between the countries of western Europe.

自从南部苏丹从苏丹独立出来仅仅一个月的时间,两个新邻居便已经发生龃龉。IT HAS been only a month since South Sudan split from the north. Already, however, the new neighbours are squabbling.

这次龃龉对萨科奇来说是一个打击,他正在享受作为世界领导人和危机解决者的感觉。The snub was a setback to Sarkozy, who is relishing his role in the EU presidency to parade as a world leader and crisis manager.

北京和华盛顿进来还对美国海军在中国宣称的专属经济区水域活动一事龃龉不断。Beijing and Washington have also recently jostled over U. S. navy activities in waters China claims as its exclusive economic zone.

桑德琳禁不住要怀疑天主事工会为什么在罗马有这么高的地位,但一般人是不与神圣的罗马教皇发生龃龉的。Sister Sandrine could not help but feel that Opus Dei's good standing in Rome was suspect, but one did not argue with the Holy See.

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大多数人看见的都是他们以为会看见的,或者想要看见的,而屏蔽掉与头脑中之现实相龃龉的事物。To a large extent human beings see what they expect -- or want -to see, and screen out material which does not fit their model of reality.

但G8会员国之间,以及已开发和开发中国家间的龃龉,使外界质疑下周会议究竟能达成何种程度的协议.But bickering among G8 members and between advanced and developing countries has raised doubts about how much the leaders can achieve next week.

无论是对手足深情的正面展示,还是对手足龃龉的反面剖析,追求手足关系的敦睦乃灌注其中的本质内容。An analysis of either the blood-relation affections or the blood-relation conflicts reveals that they still advocate the essential blood-relation harmony.

因一个南韩工人批评北韩的政治制度而遭到拘留,两国遂发生龃龉。The countries have been at odds over the fate of a South Korean worker who has been detained in the north since March for allegedly denouncing its political system.

发生在南斯拉夫与俄国,中国与俄国,以及如今越南与高哦啊面之间的争论,一部分是因为国家利益的冲突,一部分是因为意识形态上的龃龉。The splits between Yugoslavia and Russia, China and Russia, and now Vietnam and Cambodia, were mixtures in varying proportions of inter-State and ideological clashes.

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如果报到属实,这将进一步恶化美国与巴基斯坦之间的关系。自从五月份,美国特种部队,在距伊斯兰堡不远的阿伯塔巴德,展开击毙基地组织领导人的突击行动以来,美巴之间龃龉不断。If true, the claim would underline the deterioration in US-Pakistani relations since the raid in May in Abbottabad, outside Islamabad in which the al-Qaida leader died.

而在中国,马布里更多以NBA球星的身份为人所熟知,中国人并不怎么了解他跟尼克斯队的龃龉。In China, people 'are more familiar with him as Stephon Marbury the star NBA player than as Stephon Marbury, that player who had that unpleasant circumstance with the Knicks.'

1960年代的中苏两党两国关系经历了蜜月期、磨合期、龃龉期和冲突期四个阶段的变化。In the age of 1950-1960, the country and party relations between Sino-Soviet have experienced the honeymoon time, the running-in period, the discord time and the conflict time.