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尾座鹅毛笔直径。Tailstock quill dia.

纱管直径不正确。Incorrect bobbin diameter.

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花粉红色,直径约8毫米。Flowers pink, ca. 8 mm in diam.

那岛直径五英里。The island is five miles across.

其直径最大可达12F。Its maximal diameter could reach 12F.

薄煎饼的直径应该是三英寸A pancake is three inches in diameter.

火卫二直径约7.5英里。Deimos is about 7.5 miles in diameter.

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所以,一个60毫米直径的卵石。So, a sixty millimetre diameter pebble.

大直径主轴羽毛是镀铬。Large diameter spindle quill is chromed.

假茎大约15厘米直径在基部。Pseudostems ca. 15 cm in diam . at base.

该笔长14.4厘米,直径14毫米。It is 144 mm long with a diameter of 14mm.

直径做为一条直线把圆切成两半。A diameter is a line that bisects a circle.

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测量涂药区毛发直径。The diameters of hair grafts were measured.

病毒颗粒呈等轴多面体,直径为33毫微米。Diameter of the isometric particle is 33 nm.

将面团杆平并切成直径20公分的圆饼。Roll out dough and cut 20 cm diametre discs.

女王蜂直径和乌代,他们是堂兄弟。They are cousins of "Queen Bee" Dia and Uday.

“我今年有直径十英寸那么大的花,”她说。"I had ten-inch blooms this year, " she said.

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够塞进直径3英寸洞中的大米。Enough rice to plug a three-inch diameter hole

在直径为10英寸的弹簧扣模平底盘上刷油。Brush 10-inch-diameter springform pan with oil.

直径较大的扩散皿测定铵态氮的结果比较高。The Conger the diameter, the higher the result.