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他把打下的鹌鹑卖到集市上去。I went out to pop some quails.

他擅长打下旋球。He's good at cutting underspins.

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难道他们能把所有的河岸都打下桩子吗?Are they going to peg all the banks?

我们设法打下了两架敌机。We managed to get down enemy planes.

为未来发展打下基础。Lay the foundation for future growth.

我们必须商量对策,看怎么才能打下这场战役。We must discuss how to win the battle.

康诺利说,打下这些卡正面朝下。Connolly says to lay these cards face down.

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小唐尼把茶壶嘴打下来了。Little Tony broke the spout off the teapot.

VWO教育为大学学习打下基础。VWO prepares students for university studies.

为今后的防治、正确选择抗病品种和育种打下基础。This will be the base of control and breeding.

他很快打下舵,动作很快,我必须跳到一边去。He swung the wheel so fast I had to jump aside.

泰勒制给企业文化打下了深深的烙印。Taylorism is etched deeply in corporate culture.

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突然一道闪电打下来,灯全都灭了。And lightning strikes again and the lights go out.

他的水瓶从小桌上被打下。His water-bottle was knocked off his little table.

固然我闲暇的时分也会去打下乒乓球。I also enjoy playing ping-pong ball when I am free.

去上课,买设备,在地上打下桩子。Book a class, buy supplies, put a stake in the ground.

他瞄准,射击,结果打下了一只红颈鸟。He aimed, fired, only bringing down a red-necked bird.

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从而为本文的后续研究打下了坚实的基础。This has laid a solid foundation for the follow-up study.

这为做好今年的工作打下了良好基础。All of this laid a good foundation for our work this year.

这类观念似乎已在我们的文化中打下了深深的烙印。These seem to be the cultural beliefs we’re imprinted with.