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这种死,是一种哀伤。This death was an affliction.

哀伤与苦闷充满我的心。Grief and despair fill my heart.

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我要你快乐趑趄不前,不要哀伤。I want you to be happy, not sad.

找一首哀伤的歌,把它唱得更快乐。Take a sad song and make it better.

今夜所有哀伤皆刻在你的叶间。All tonight's sadness in your design.

乔常以哀伤的眼神对著梅格凝视。Jo often stared at Meg with sad eyes.

那音乐有一种梦幻般的哀伤。The music has a dreamy, elegiac quality.

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哀伤、绝望是罗隐创作中的重要主题。Grief and despair became his major themes.

“离婚是哀伤的事。”她说。我同意。"Divorce is too sad, " she said. I agreed.

她因儿子的死而哀伤。She was disconsolate about her son's death.

她对猫的死哀伤不已。She is disconsolate at the death of her cat.

昨天你还在为着罗莎琳哀伤落泪。Just yesterday you were weeping for Rosaline.

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夜的黑鸟,她哀伤邪恶的歌唱。Where night's black bird her sad infamy sins.

并且一起改善比二个人哀伤的井。Better than two people together also sad Well.

生怕心触及,哀伤现无遗。Lest one touch of this heart convey its grief.

听哀伤的歌,看幸福的戏。Listening to sad songs, happy to see the show.

镇静剂确实减轻了他们的哀伤。The analgesic actually reduces their distress.

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然而,雨水和浪涛会止息,哀伤却不会。However, rain and wave end , but sorrows don't.

夏末的雏菊、划破的哀伤。Last daisy of summer , the scarification sorrow.

其实上帝在怜悯,在为我而感到哀伤?God is commiserating me in fact, it is sad for me?