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根深叶茂快成才。Be deep rooted , flourishing and growing quickly.

如今这棵大树根深叶茂,硕果累累。It has now grown into a giant tree with deep roots and rich fruits.

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温家宝说,中巴友谊根深叶茂,生机勃勃。Premier Wen said China-Pakistan friendship is deeply rooted, evergreen and vibrant.

父亲养鸡场旁有一棵桂花树,根深叶茂。The father chicken farm next to a tree osmanthus trees, thick with leaves and deep-rooted.

我在自己的生活中看到了我们两国人民之间根深叶茂的联系——在朋友和同事中间。I've seen the deep connections between our peoples in my own life -- among friends, colleagues.

这是槐荫树。根深叶茂,它是森林公园的树中之王。This is a pagoda tree with deep roots and flourishing leaves, the king of trees in the woods park.

中巴友谊根深叶茂,生机勃勃。China-Pakistan friendship is full of vigor and vitality, like a lush tree with deep roots and thick foliage.

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这是一个精心挑选的名字,因为枫树是从一颗小小的种子成长为根深叶茂的大树的。It is a well-chosen name because while maple trees have strong roots and grow tall, they start from small seeds.

然而,考虑到微软在计算机领域根深叶茂的地位,大多数分析师认为,谷歌会发现要推翻微软是一件难事。Given Windows's deeply entrenched position in computing, however, most analysts said that Google would find it hard to unseat the software group.

所以在第一棵苹果树枝叶凋闭,形将枯朽的时候,这棵数呢是清香远溢,根深叶茂。Therefore, when the first apple tree had withered an dried up, the second one was well-established an flourished with the faint scent floating in the air.

黄陵古柏郁郁苍苍,根深叶茂,被人们看作是炎黄子孙兴旺发达,繁衍不绝的象征。The lush green cypresses at the mausoleum, stately, stalwart and striking deep roots into the earth, are a symbol of the continuing propagation and prosperity of the Chinese nation.

法治只有立足于传统才会根深叶茂,法治必须能以应对现实和传统中的问题才能有效建立,法治起步时必须妥善处理社会中的各种问题。To sum up, the rule of law can't be realized unless it is based on traditions, address all the issues in reality and traditions and can in its infancy, handle all the problems in society.

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长期以来,在两国历代领导人和各界人士精心培育下,中巴友谊像一棵茁壮成长的大树,根深叶茂。Over the years, thanks to the nurturing of generations of leaders and people from all sectors of both countries, China-Pakistan friendship has flourished like a tree growing tall and strong.