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通过选择。By choice.

通过例子。By example.

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通过电话的?On the phone?

通过事件组。By event group.

通过加一个蛋。By adding an egg.

嘿,编译通过了!Hey! It compiles!

通过下水道。Through the sewer.

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是的,通过电传打字电报。Yes, via teletype.

测试全部通过。The tests all pass.

这一次我通过了。This time I passed.

通过门户。Through the portal.

是通过怎样的渠道呢What's the conduit?

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通过时事通讯?Through newsletters?

通过你的事业!Through your career!

应用程序已通过验证。Applications verified.

他照做了,也通过了。He did, and he passed.

它必须通过谈判。It must be negotiated.

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一切都应通过。Everything should pass.

你通过其他人提供的信息。You make up the agenda.

通过“首先支付自己”。By paying herself first.