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嗯嗯!一定要努力学习,做个品学兼优的学生!Huh! We must study hard to be a high academic students!

我将努力地学习,争做一名品学兼优的小学生!I will study hard. I will do my best to be a good pupil!

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欧阳靖同学是个品学兼优的好学生。Jing Ouyang is a good student with a good academic performance.

在学校里他品学兼优,深受老师和同学的喜爱。He was a very bright student at school and excelled in most of his subjects.

苏玫瑰是个品学兼优的女生,和母亲一起相依为命。Su Rose is a good student living with her mother for many years after the death of her father.

邓煜于1979年以优异的成绩毕业于沙县一中,在学校里她一贯以品学兼优而为大家所称道。Emily was an excellent student at school and she graduated from Shaxian No 1 middle school in 1979.

地震中失去左臂的范玉飞,现在江油高中上高二了,品学兼优。Fanyufei, lost his left arm in the earthquake, is an excellent student of Jiangyou High School now.

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他们中的多数是心理健康积极向上,品学兼优的学生。In them most is the psychologically healthy positive upward, the excellent in conduct and academy student.

聪明,刁钻,叛逆,原是品学兼优的好学生,在知道自己的身世后性格大改,变得叛逆,反社会。Smart, crafty and rebellious. After discovering his parentage, the studious young man becomes defiant and anti-social.

然而学校一般更重视品学兼优的学生而彻底忽略了那些尚未展露天赋的学生。While schools and teachers pay great attention to outstanding students, they may well be overlooking those who have hidden potential.

在我求学的过程中我不仅品学兼优,在运动场上也是很活跃的一份子,同时也参与许多的社团活动。Throughout my academic years, I not only get good grades but also am very active on sport field and involved in school club activities.

在我求学的过程中我不仅品学兼优,在运动场上也是很活跃的一份子,同时也参与许多的社团活动。Through out my academic career I have not only getting good grades but also very active on sport field and involves in varies societies.

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名额竞争激烈,学校选送的都是品学兼优的学生。The competition was extremely fierce and only the students with exceptional academic performance and personal qualities could be selected.

品学兼优的梭罗从哈佛大学毕业后,选择了静静的瓦登湖。Thoreau, a Harvard student excellent both in conduct and academic performance, chose to live beside the Walden when he finished his schooling.

汪思博同学品学兼优、正直坦诚,具有很强的亲和力和组织能力,深受师生们喜爱。David is an outstanding student at school, and his teachers love to have him as their student for his integrity and keen sense as an organizer.

从此,这一校训激励了一代又一代清华人自强不息,朝着品学兼优的方向发展。From then on, this maxim has been inspiring generations of Tsinghua students to strive constantly to be excellent both morally and academically.

这对相貌平凡的女生与外表英俊的男生,品学兼优的女生与成绩倒数的男生之间注定不会是令人羡慕的佳偶天成。The appearance of ordinary girl with a handsome boy, excellent girl and reciprocal of scores between boys nature itself is not an enviable love.

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她写了好几封邮件感谢Moskowitz女士,说她希望有一天Matthew能够品学兼优回到这所“非凡的”学校。She wrote several e-mails thanking Ms. Moskowitz, saying she hoped that Matthew would someday be well-behaved enough to return to her “phenomenal” school.

我会资助科学实验,给计划生育组织捐钱,建立一个当地假面骑士资金会,给品学兼优的有创造力的孩子奖学金。I'd sponsor scientific endeavors and give money to Planned Parenthood and start a local Kiva fund and give merit-based scholarships to innovative children.

高等教育的教育目的就是使学生得到全面发展,培养出品学兼优的有用人才。The objective of the higher education is to cultivate the new generation with ability and moral through comprehensive personal improvement and development.