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使用木制或竹制的砧板Use a wooden or bamboo chopping board

我比较喜欢的是竹制的砧板。My preferred option is a bamboo chopping board.

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因此教育成了砧板上的鱼肉任人宰割。As a result, education is on the chopping block.

等红椒完全变软了,取出放到干净的砧板上。Remove from the pan to copping board until completely soft.

很快,御厨来宰杀砧板上心甘情愿的牺牲者了。Soon the royal cook came to kill the willing victim on the block.

使用清洁砧板及器皿处理新鲜农产品。Use clean cutting boards and utensils when handling fresh produce.

把小牛肉片放在两张保鲜纸之间,放在砧板上拍打至所需形状。Lightly pound the veal lean meat on board between two plastic films.

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未经烹煮的食品和现成食品应该各有不同的砧板。Separate cutting boards must be used for raw and ready-to-eat foods.

在砧板上搓揉搅匀的面粉,直到变得软且有弹性。Knead the mixture on a lightly floured board until smooth and elastic.

他们在房子里放了一个树桩,当成杀牛的砧板。They kept a big stump in the house as a chopping block to kill cows on.

把面团放在撒满面粉的砧板上,然后揉大约十分钟。Place dough on the floured board, and knead for approximately ten minutes.

当开始实施削减的时候,猜一下谁的计划将首先将被放到砧板上。And when the time comes to make cuts, guess whose programs are first on the chopping board.

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我的爸爸做了不少木工,他做了砧板在圣诞节的时候送给我们。My dad has been doing a lot of woodworking, and he made us the cutting board for Christmas.

我像是块在砧板上的肉,挣扎无果,无奈地被时间宰割。I like the meat on the chopping block, struggling no fruit, no choice but to be time for mercy.

事实证明,人们都喜欢趣味横生的故事,哪怕仅仅是有关清洁砧板的问题。Just shows that even if it’s just about cleaning the cutting board, everyone likes a good tale.

收集现代砧板设计,享受备料的乐趣。Collection of modern cutting boards designed to make food preparation more efficient and enjoyable.

从那时起,轮到的那只鹿温顺地交出自己,把脖子搁到砧板上。From then on, the one whose turn it was, meekly surrendered himself and laid his neck on the block.

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一个巨大的砧板用来从联邦预算上休整肥肉,有时候却切到骨头里。A huge butcher block was used to trim fat from the federal budget, which was sometimes cut to the bone.

在处理肉类和家禽前后,要清洗双手、厨具、砧板和其他表面。Wash your hands, utensils, cutting boards, and other surfaces before and after handling meat and poultry.

假如没有地方料理,还可以将砧板摆在最上层,做个临时的操作台。If do not have local arrange, still can place chopping block uppermost layer, do temporarily work station.