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真正的朋友能够在你毕业后会为你排忧解难。Friends indeed can be friends in need after graduation.

选民们断定罗姆内先生最具实力为他们排忧解难。Voters judged Mr Romney most capable of easing their pain.

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盖茨只好求助于他心爱的软件来排忧解难,他决定全面掌管软件的开发工作。Gates turned for succour to his frist love overseeing software development.

同时宝佳培养出的一支训练有素,反应迅速的现场服务团队,能及时为您排忧解难。Our engineer team is ready to answer your questions at any time as you raised!

每当在学习上遇到困难,在生活中遇到挫折时妈妈总是为我们排忧解难。Whenever learning difficulties, setbacks in life, when Mom always solve problems for us.

政府官员“为民排忧解难”是最受民众拥护和支持的事。It is widely acclaimed and supported by the public to work for natioanl people by officials.

所以,不管你觉得自己可以做什么,一定要全心全意,排忧解难。So no matter what you perceive yourself to be, be willing and able to pitch in and help out.

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我们相信,如果有相关行业的行内的专业人士替阁下排忧解难,业务的发展将事半功倍。How much easier would it be if you had industry professionals around the world doing this with you?

总之,我希望未来的人工制能能多为人们排忧解难。In a word me the man-days with future hope system can can get typeset for people You untie disaster.

公司现有员工200余人,其中100余人每天服务于全国二十余省及施工现场,为用户排忧解难。We have 200 staff, 100 of them are service at more than 20 construction fields in different provinces.

只有交朋友,才会给你带来快乐,才会为你排忧解难,才会在你伤心时安慰你。Only to make friends, will bring you happiness, will you solve problems, will comfort you when you hurt.

设立用户记录卡,实行回访制度,及时排忧解难。Establish record cards for clients, cl ients. carry out callback system inorder to duly resolve problems.

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上述为国为民排忧解难的官员就是优秀的。The above mentioned officials, who solve problems for both the country and the public, are excellent ones.

马德里的发明为世界上深受疾病困扰的人提供了巨大帮助,他也周游世界,为人排忧解难。He made inventions to help people around the world for sicknesses and traveled around the world to help out.

关心员工生活,开展互帮互助活动,为困难员工排忧解难。Care for the life of staff, start the work of mutually help and exclude the difficulty and anxiety of the staff.

有智慧才能做事,是识破问题的所在或关键点,并能谋出适当的办法来为民排忧解难。Intelligence helps figure out the crux of problems and seek appropriate problem-solving approaches for the public.

我们将以一流的产品、一流的质量和完美的售后服务为农民朋友排忧解难。We will first-class products, first-class quality and perfect after-sale service solve problems for farmers and friends.

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四达公司拥有一支高素质的销售队伍和一个诚心诚意为用户排忧解难的售后服务体系。Sida has a sales group of high quality and a after-sales service system to remove difficulty for customers wholeheartedly.

本保姆服务中心声誉良好,愿为您家庭排忧解难尽力。With good reputation this Housemaid Service Center is ready to do its best to solve your problems and allay your apprehensions.

你不能指望命运伸出援助之手为你排忧解难,好让你不用为了自己当初的决定而承担责任。You can't just hope that fate will step in and fix things so that you don't have to take responsibility for a choice you have made.