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节欲苦行的人。Aperson of ascetic habits.

节欲是最好的药方。Temperance is the best physic.

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这个品质对应与节欲的情感反应。This trait is the emotional analogue of temperance.

这是用节欲和纯洁以外的方法得到的。This creature succeeded by other means than temperance and purity.

但是即使夫妇实行节欲也应当了解一些避孕套的知识。But even couples who practice abstinence can benefit from learning about condoms.

英国社会保守人士最近声称,“在结婚之前节欲能塑造人格和自我控制力。”Social conservatives have recently argued that "abstinence until marriage builds character and self-control."

孔子的“克己”、孟子的“寡欲”的核心乃实指“节欲”之意。Both Confucius' "self-restraining" and Mencius' "few desires" essentially focused on "controlling the desires".

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巴斯比没有报告其他变量和节欲之间的关系这一败笔究竟是怎么通过编辑的审核的呢?Just how did Busby's failure to report correlations between other variables and abstinence get past the editor?

密特拉教和早期基督教都认为节欲,独身生活和自我控制是他们的最高美德。Both Mithraism and early Christianity considered abstinence, celibacy, and self- controltobe among their highest virtues.

一项研究发现,同上过关于避孕药的课的儿童相比,接受节欲教育的儿童更可能延迟他们发生性行为的时间。Children taught abstinence are more likely to delay having sex than those given lessons about contraception, a study has found.

当你对对方心存疙瘩时,请节欲,这是避免性病感染和怀孕的最佳方法。Practice abstinence when in doubt, which is the most effective way of protecting against sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy.

节欲需要把欲望控制在符合优雅,规范,精致和谦逊的范围内。But to confine them within those limits, which grace, which propriety, which delicacy, and modesty require, is the office of temperance.

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最终,我也没有从巴斯比关于节欲和性行为的时间选择以及以后的性生活满意度的研究里得到什么有新闻价值的东西。In the end, I did not learn anything newsworthy about abstinence or sexual timing and subsequent sexual satisfaction from Busby's study.

只提倡节欲的那些人们又一次提出了一个聪明的方法来误导大众,特别是对很多州那学受过较少教育的人来说。Abstinence-only proponents have once again come up with a clever way to mislead the public and particularly the less educated in many states.

同样地“无论是男性还是女性那些只跟忠贞性伴侣发生关系的年轻人在我们的研究中大致上跟节欲者相思。Females and males who have sex only with romantic partners are generally similar to abstainers on most of the education measures we examined.

上周,一个咨询委员会同意两个外界的、以宗教信仰为基础的团体在现有课程之上,加入他们自己的以节欲为全部内容的项目。Last week, an advisory committee approved two outside faith- based groups to supplement the curriculum with their own abstinence-only programs.

唯一的不同就是无论你是哪种性关系,比节欲者面临更风险的情况在于你是否曾经旷课或是辍学。The only outcomes for which youth engaging in either type of sex are at greater risk than abstainers are truancy and, in some contexts, dropping out.

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最近,当大部分关于节欲教育的综合研究没有表明将推迟节欲活动的时,反对者们都准备好了要斗争。Opponents got high-calibre ammunition recently when the most comprehensive study of abstinence education found no sign that it delays sexual activity.

虽然这些目的通常是为了使节欲增加,但是,这并不意味着青少年在明年不会重蹈覆辙。These commonly find an increase in intentions to stay abstinent, but that does not necessarily mean teenagers will still follow the script a year later.

然而,这些原因还没有完全弄明白,政府的数据显示,这个趋势在节欲教育变成一个数百万美元的项目之前就已经开始了。While the reasons are not all understood, Government data shows the trend began years before abstinence education became a multimillion-dollar enterprise.