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角和元分行记下。Ninety yuan, six jiao and five fen.

然而,凯伦从未去过那个分行。But Karen had never been to that branch.

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歌响舞分行,艳色动流光。Dance song ring branch, Chromic moving streamer.

铜狮“施迪”,香港上海滙丰银行上海分行。Stitt the bronze lion, the HSBC Shanghai Branch.

分行官员可利用中央数据库。Branch officials can access the central database.

当你把一个单词分行时,你得写上一个连字符。You have to hyphenate a word when dividing a word.

这种息票可在我们的任何分行兑现。This coupon can be redeemed at any of our branches.

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标准银行会不会是在标榜阿根廷分行的业绩以便挂牌出售?Could Standard Bank be buffing the unit up for a sale?

接线员,请给我接中国银行北京分行。Operator, please get me Bank of China, Beijing branch.

报告说,鹤岗市分行拥有超过88,000名员工。It says the Hegang branch has more than 88,000 employees.

小分行,并于1819年创建了Suffolk系统。They created what was called the Suffolk System in 1819.

我可否到你们的本地分行,请他们发给我新的支票?Can I go to your local branch and have the checks re-issued?

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出口银行拥有32家分行,这些分行大部分集中在莫斯科和圣彼得堡。Expobank has 32 branches mostly in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

在2010年10月,北京分行人民币业务获批。In October 2010, Beijing Branch of the RMB business approved.

那份申请表在投资部,我到分行去往哪儿签字?How could I sign that sent out application at the CIBC branch?

法国兴业银行希腊分行自2003年以来一直处于亏损状态。SocGen's Greek affiliate has lost money every year since 2003.

1929年,摩根大通在天津开设了第二家分行。By 1929, the firm had opened a second China branch in Tientsin.

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兹授权贵行索偿议付金额,按约定办法,请向标准渣打银行伦敦分行我账户内支取。arrangement on our account with Standard Chartered Bank London.

在过去八年里我一直是某银行分行的忠实客户。I have been using the same bank branch for the last eight years.

王凯涛,管理学博士,深圳发展银行上海分行。Wang Kaitao, Ph D. , Shanghai Branch, Shenzhan Development Bank.