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别来去匆匆。Don't be in a hurry.

她匆匆吃了午餐。She made a hasty lunch.

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她走过时对他匆匆行一屈膝礼。She swept him a curtsey.

他匆匆记下了那些注解。He dotted down those notes.

她匆匆离开戏院。She bopped off the theatre.

一个冷冰冰的,面色苍白的修女匆匆走过。A cold, pale nun hurried by.

我匆匆赶到售票处。I hurry to the ticket office.

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结婚匆匆,后悔无穷。Marry in hasty, repent endless.

在深夜匆匆再予埋葬。Rebury hastily at dead of night.

这河堤是匆匆筑成的。An embankment has been thrown up.

匆匆的姑娘你要去哪里?Where were you going, hasty lass?

史威夫特在森林中匆匆盖起一间小屋。Swift ran up a shed in the forest.

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我光着脚匆匆跑向窗边。I hurried barefooted to the window.

敌舰向外海匆匆逃去。The enemy ship dug out for the sea.

你不应当匆匆做出结论。You shouldn't jump to a conclusion.

后来几年,就算有朋友,也都来去匆匆。in later years, they'd come and go.

匆匆地穿过平野与坎坷Hurried through the smooth and rough

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这个男孩匆匆地吃完饭。The boy galloped through his dinner.

那男孩匆匆地吃完了饭。The boy galloped through his dinner.

他们匆匆把他撵到乡下去了。They bundled him off to the country.