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我已经和他相熟。I am already acquainted with him.

你对这儿的风尚习性相熟吗?Are you familiar with the customs here?

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你有任何死党吗?或者只是相熟的人?Do you have any longterm friendships or just acquaintances?

在窗口工作久了,和很多纳税人也相熟了。In the window, and a lot of work for a long time in taxpayer also ripe.

但是,我们直到也许是三四年之后才一起开始相熟起来的。But we didn’t really strike a note together until maybe three or four years later.

孙金宝等和她相熟的众人都来劝她,都没有任何效果。Give me real, and all the people familiar with her to persuade her, have no effect.

巴林国王哈马德及其家人和英国王室相熟已久。King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and his family are far from strangers to the British royals.

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我以为我们已经足够相熟,以为爱情和命运也逐渐熟悉。I think we have enough people, think of love and the destiny also became familiar with the.

我问过一个相熟的公司,说是被海航直接发展了。I had asked the company of an acquaintanceship, saying is was developed directly by Hai Hang.

我和他们相熟有50多年,他俩一直都是好莱坞的完美夫妻,直到纽曼去世。I knew them well for more than 50 years and they were the perfect Hollywood couple until his death.

雷诺奶奶听到伊丽莎白跟她主人相熟,便好象益发敬重她。Mrs. Reynolds's respect for Elizabeth seemed to increase on this intimation of her knowing her master.

当然,你只能对相熟的朋友这样做,可不能这样对待陌生人、上司或重要人物。Of course you only do this to a familiar friends, not to a stranger, nor to your superior, nor to a VIP.

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当他们正在坐下的时候,这位母亲发现在观众里有一个相熟的朋友,于是便马上走过去打招呼。After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and went down the aisle to greet her.

他到低地国家旅行,随后与莱顿的清教徒教会相熟。He was traveling in the Low Countries, and subsequently became acquainted with the Pilgrims' church in Leiden.

可以用它来将两个人链接在一起,它具有某种相熟的人的基本语义。It can be used to link two people together, and it has the basic semantics of some kind of personal acquaintance.

在约旦河西岸城市拉马拉,美国前总统卡特对英国广播公司讲述了这位他相熟已久的朋友。In Ramallah in the West Bank, former President Jimmy Carter spoke to the BBC about the man he knew for a long time.

卡利什和费歇尔探访期间,有一名与阿丘阿尔人相熟的厄瓜多尔人充当向导和翻译。During each of Kalish and Fisher's visits, an Ecuadorian man familiar with the Achuar served as guide and translator.

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近日,不少与霍家相熟的好友都已相继收到请柬。Many close friends of the Fok family said they had received invitations to the upcoming grand wedding ceremony in Hong Kong.

有生驾驶私家车途中,被电单车刮花了车身,只好把私家车交给相熟车房维修。Effective driving private cars on the way, be motorcycles scratched body, had to give private cars to familiar FangWeiXiu car.

以小龙女的性格,她也不会送给别的什么地方,因为她在江湖中根本没有相熟的人。Xiao Longnv to the character, she will not be given to any other place in the political arena because she is not familiar in person.