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你的签证已过期。Your visa has expired.

我的信用卡过期了。My credit card is expired.

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我的护照已过期了。My passport is out of date.

他的护照已过期。His passport is out of date.

现在她的护照已过期了。Now her passport has expired.

您的登入时间已过期。Your log-in time has expired.

每个证书都有过期日期。Each certificate has an expiry.

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过期权利丧失原则。Principle of outdated be losed.

过期监视是缺省启用的。Expiration monitoring is on by default.

不管谁的书过期未还都要被罚款。Whosever book is overdue will be fined.

不管谁的书过期未还都要被罚款。Whosever book is overdue be to be fined.

有一种呛人的过期啤酒味。There was a powerful smell of stale beer.

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所以,如果这些过期了,不继续了,So, if those expire and are not continued,

放艇设备检验证书过期了。Test certificate of launching gear expired.

我们希望能让签名过期。We wanted the ability to expire signatures.

他收集过期的连环漫画杂志。He collects back numbers of comic magazines.

录像出租店收取过期附加费。The video rental shop has a late fee charge.

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他们一直在向我们催讨过期的账款。They kept dunning us about the overdue bill.

一次过期的道歉?我真服了你。An apology at this late date? I'm overwhelmed.

不要紧。反正是一本过期杂志。It dosent matter, It was a back number anyway.