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苯环在其他化合物中也可以看见。The benzene ring is also seen in other compounds.

这些基团有取代的苯环。These groups may be substituted in the phenyl ring.

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反应的区域选择性很高,均发生在与氮相连的苯环的对位。The reaction uniquely occurs at the para position of N-benzene ring.

苯环是一个由六个碳原子,和六个氢原子组成的环。Benzene is a ring that's made up of six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms.

探讨了苯环上烃基化的条件以及查尔酮合成方法和条件。The synthesis methods of chalcone and benzene ring alkylation are discussed.

芳烃由苯环衍生出的、或因含有苯环而具有其特性的烃化物。Aromatic A hydrocarbon derived from, or characterized by the presence of the benzene ring.

两个苯并15冠5的苯环相对钾原子呈顺式排列。Two benzene rings from two B15C5 molecules are cis orientation with respect to potassium ion.

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我想你们大多数人,都在这周的习题课上讨论过苯环。I think most and you have talked a little bit about benzene over this past week in recitation.

让我们来做个课堂习题,你们觉得苯环里有一共多少个π键?So let's have a clicker question here on how many total pi bonds do you expect to see in benzene?

而且和苯环衍生的硫恶唑啉相比反应活性相对较高。In addition, these ligands showed higher activity than thioether deveritives of phenyl oxazolines.

不论是在有无偏压实验条件下,气体扩散模型可以成功解释氨在五苯环薄膜中的扩散行为。Our results showed that Fick's second law can successfully explain the variations of threshold voltage.

此外,荧光强度还与卟啉的苯环上取代基的取代位置有关。The fluorescence intensity of porphyrin also relates to the substituent positions on the phenyl groups.

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比如苯环,也就是最低电子态,远低于第一激发态。If you have benzene, for example, the lowest electronic state, is quite far below the first excited state.

苯环侧链氧化是有机合成反应中的重要反应类型之一。Oxidizing sidechain alkyl of benzene ring is one of the most important reactions in the organic synthesis.

由于苯环碳氢的高稳定性,一般的氧化剂很难使其氧化。Owning to the high energy of C-H bond in benzene ring, benzene can be hardly oxygenated by common oxidants.

探讨了取代基影响蒽醌环和苯环降解的电子效应和空间效应。Electronic effects and space effects resulting from effects of substitute groups were discussed in this paper.

影响安非他明和苯环的DNA结合活动的血清反应和对子对称要素。Effect of amphetamine and phencyclidine on DNA binding activities of serum response and dyad symmetry elements.

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苯的同源物是于苯环中一个或多个氢原子的位置上以烷基取代的化合物。The homologs of benzene are those containing an alkyl group or alkyl groups in place of one or more hydrogen atoms.

并讨论了苯环上不同取代基对冠醚环上各碳化学位移的影响。The influences of benzine ring's different sub-stituets on the chemical shifts of crown's carbons are also discussed.

分子承运者是蒽醌,包括三个融合的苯环,每一个苯环侧面有一个氧原子。The molecule carrier is anthraquinone, which consists of three fused benzene rings with one oxygen atom on each side.