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它们用的是声呐。It is sonar.

受到蝙蝠的启发,人们发明了声呐。Having been suggested by a bat, people invented sonar.

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它们只需把吊放式声呐吊放到水中。They only need hang put the type sound to hang put to the water.

研究矢量拖曳式线列阵声呐护套管内的流噪声场。Flow noise in the interior fluid of a vector hydrophone towed linear array is analyzed.

其主要任务是侦察目标主动声呐的工作参数,对目标实施跟踪。The main task of it is to measure the working parameter of active sonar and track the target.

本文介绍了CS-1型侧扫声呐系统的组成和工作原理以及它的特点。This paper presents Model CS-1 side scan sonar system components, principle and its features.

合成孔径声呐成像中,主要通过自聚焦校正剩余相位误差。In synthetic aperture sonar imaging, the residual phase error is mainly corrected via autofocus.

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本文介绍用于声呐系统中多通道信号模拟器的设计方案。The design project of multi-channel signal simulator for sonar system as introduced in the paper.

该方法可以推广应用到其它多波束测量声呐系统的动态测量误差分析与估计中。It is possible for this dynamic error estimation method to be applied in other multi-beam surveying system.

首先回顾声呐导流罩和复合材料的研究历史和当前进展。The history and advance in the researches of the kuppe and composite are reviewed comprehensively at first.

以单水听器阵列构成的单线阵声呐无法区分目标来自左舷或右舷。It is well known that the single line array sonar can't identify whether the target come from left or right.

在现代反潜、海洋水文和资源勘测中,拖曳式声呐系统得到了越来越广泛的应用。The towed sonar system is used extensively in modern antisubmarine , ocean geologic and resources surveying.

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明天他们将会为它安装多普勒声呐以避免与落水者的高速相撞。Next year's model will have a Doppler sonar to help it avoid high-speed collisions with unsuspecting swimmers.

现代反潜直升机上装有灵敏的吊放式声呐或声呐浮标。On the modern anti-submarine warfare helicopter is loaded with keen hangs puts the type sound or the sound buoy.

文中还介绍了军事海洋学和基于模型的声呐设计等新概念。Some new concept and idea, such as military oceanography model-based sonar design, are also reviewed in this paper.

对于主动声呐在混响背景下对目标检测效果的好坏,就和发射信号波形设计密不可分的。In reverberation environments, the performance of detection has great relation with the design of transmit waveform.

本论文在改进的声呐脉冲侦察模块硬件系统的基础上,开发了一套实时系统软件。In the thesis, a series of real-time system software of sonar pulse detection is developed on an improved hardware system.

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本文论述如何运用实际宽带主动声呐的回波信号识别湖底沉积物介质类型。The paper presents a method of lake bottom sediment classification using echo signals provided by a wideband active sonar.

该方法极大地提高了在高强度直达波干扰下主动声呐提取目标回波的精度。This method is greatly increased in the high-intensity direct wave interference under active sonar echo extraction accuracy.

本文所提供的方法可以在数字式声呐中用于实时跟踪多个目标。For a digital sonar it is possible to track more than one targets simultaneously by using the method described in this paper.