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她终归会明白的。She will understand eventually.

他终归是个小学生。After all he is still a schoolboy.

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那个计画终归失败。The program eventuated in failure.

怎奈梦想终归是梦想。But there are dreams that cannot be.

森罗万象终归坏,唯有真空才不灭。Only true emptiness will not perish.

耍两面派终归不会有好下场。Double-dealers will come to no good end.

流言终归是流言,不久就会平息。Rumours are rumours. It will soon blow over.

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我们所有人终归要在某时因某种原因而死。Well, we all have to die from something, sometime.

但是它终归是各种各样的存储的基本要素。But it all kind of boils down to these basics of storage.

她终归会后悔不该中途辍学。In the long haul, she'll regret having been a school dropout.

他心里还存着希望,木木终归还会回来。The hope still flickered within him that Mumu would come back.

这棵植物终归没死!它又长出了新叶。The plant is alive after all! There are new leaves growing out.

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可她还是终归嫁了人,仍然得受男性世界的左右。But she was a man's woman, it was the manly world that held her.

中国如此辽阔,我们的报告终归是一幅不全面的画图。China is so vast that whatever you report is an incomplete picture.

或迟或早我们终归要抛开否认而直面这个现实的世界。Sooner or later we have to put aside our denial and face the world.

“这条路,”沙斯塔想,“终归是要通往某个地方的。”"After all, " said Shasta, "this road is bound to get to somewhere. "

但最后终归是成佛的圣道。But these expedients too, will eventually lead to the path of Buddhahood.

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史实证明,实行进贡制是太平天国终归失败的重要原因之一。Historical evidence shows that the practice of paying tributes is one of.

一笔意外的巨款最终归落何处?Does a huge sum of money of brushstroke accident return finally fall where?

无论如何,男人终归是男人,不管怎么样都不会表现得像个女人。Men will be men, no matter what! Neither do they think nor behave like women.