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除此以外就是一无所获And it's going to be 0 otherwise.

于是埃克曼坐下来仔细观察影片,可一无所获。So Ekman sat and looked at the film. Nothing.

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两个正手得分,而我一无所获。Two forehands winner, and nothing to do for me.

他们彻底地搜查了房子,但是一无所获。They searched the house thoroughly,but found nothing.

这个找工作的人闲混了一个上午,一无所获。The job hunter dawdled all morning but achieved nothing.

你尽力不去理会这种渴望、你尽力去避免这种渴望、你甚至尽力智胜这种渴望,但是一无所获。You even try to outwit the craving. But it doesn’t work.

在更极端的情况下,只需登录的BDW一无所获。In a more extreme case, simply log out of the BDW entirely.

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日落时分,他仍一无所获,便决定打道回府。Near sunset, still without a fish, he decided to turn back.

最后只能是胡里胡涂、一无所获地结束了这门课程。Finally, can only be left, nothing to the end of the course.

警察对他的房间搜查了三次,但一无所获。The police went over his room three times, but found nothing.

我对这个地方满腔怨恨,这一整天一无所获,我闷闷不乐地上床睡觉。The day is a complete write-off and I head off to bed to sulk.

唯一的保证是如果你什么都不做那你肯定一无所获。The only guarantee is that doing nothing will get you nowhere.

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他想找家花店和当地的葡萄酒厂,但一无所获。He searched for a flower shop and a local winery and found none.

而不劳者将一无所获。我要努力学习,以便所功课都丰收。I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects.

我是搞科研的,会查些文献,但是一无所获。I'm a scientist. I did literature searches, and nothing could be found.

如果我们对这首要的目标没有足够的重视,我们将一无所获。If we do not pay attention to this overarching goal, we get no results.

这一次,经过近两个小时的巡逻,美军一无所获。This time, after nearly two hours of patrolling, no evidence was found.

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一旦这种不安情绪与迫切感相结合,那么它就不会一无所获。If the market jitters inject a sense of urgency, it will not be in vain.

如果增加出口与增加的进口相平衡,我们一无所获。If increased exports are balanced by increased imports, nothing is gained.

横华先生在里面住了这么长时间,不可能一无所获。Horizontal Mr. Hua at in live so long-term, impossible a have no accretion.