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佩林家的祖辈是美国西部人。Palin’s roots are in the American West.

祖辈辈都住居在这片土地上的农民。They are farmers whose forefathers lived on this land.

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赛珍珠坚持说,我们祖辈的世界也属于我们。Buck insisted that our grandparents’ world belongs also to us.

我们的父辈、祖辈问自己这些问题。Our parents and grandparents asked themselves those questions.

如果看我们的祖辈,还是看不到进化,但它的确存在。We don't see it if we look at our grandparents, but it's there.

很多中国人享受着他们祖辈连做梦都想不到的繁荣富强。Many Chinese enjoy a prosperity undreamt of by their forefathers.

还有祖辈居住乌拉尔山脉彼侧一个叫做大马扎尔的地方的匈牙利人呢?Or the Hungarians, who originated across the Urals in a place called Greater Hungary?

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几乎让人难以想象的是,在我们祖辈出生的年代,汽车还为罕见之物。It is almost incredible to think that when our grandparents were born cars were a rarity.

或是“对于纠正祖辈犯下的错误,我们是否负有道义上的责任?”” or “Are we morally responsible for righting the wrongs of our grandparents’ generation?”

我们的渔民过去在这儿捕鱼,现在在这儿捕鱼,将来我们的渔民还会仍将像他们祖辈那样继续在这个海域捕鱼。We fished, fish and will continue to fish in the Huangyan Island waters just like our ancestors.

今天,扒手在数量及技巧方面都已超过了他们在狄更斯时代的祖辈。Today the pickpockets have overtaken their forefathers of Dickens' time in both number and skill.

小组估计,丹尼索万人于大约35万年前从尼安德特人的祖辈中分离出来。The team estimates Denisovans split from the parent group of Neanderthals about 350, 000 years ago.

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毫无疑问,现在多数美国人不再沿用我们农场中祖辈们的作息时间。It’s a safe bet that today most Americans don’t follow the same schedule as our farming forefathers.

这次调查显示,18岁到24岁的年轻人并非在所有问题上都与他们的父辈和祖辈持相同观点。IOP found that 18- to 24-year-olds do not share their parents’ and grandparents’ views on all issues.

如果想要来美国,就让他们学他们的祖辈那样走路过来。If they want to come to the United States, let hem walk like all their fore-fathers's did before them.

牢记禀性是遗传的。获取信息的最佳来源,是去看看幼犬的祖辈们。Keeping in mind that temperament is inherited look to the ancestors as your best source of information.

我记得我的祖辈想要通过一项关于飞行器的法律,以防任何人扭断他可怜的脖子。I remember my old man wanted a law passed about flying machines, keep 'em from breaking their fool necks.

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“帝”起初是指对氏族群体蕃衍作出贡献的父祖辈领袖人物。The word emperor originally meant the leading forefathers who distributed to the prosperity of the tribes.

他们共同的祖辈里士满?特勒尔于17世纪中期移民美国,是弗吉尼亚州的早期定居者。Their common ancestor is Richmond Terrell, a Virginia settler who arrived in America in the mid-17th century.

他们共同的祖辈里士满特勒尔于17世纪中期移夷易近美国,是弗吉尼亚州的早期假寓者。Their common ancestor is Richmond Terrell, a Virginia settler who arrived in America in the mid-17th century.