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‘哪个桌子’?Which table?

这些是桌子。These are desks.

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把它放在我的桌子上吧。Put it on my desk.

我看见有空桌子。I see empty tables.

这张桌子是圆的。The table is round.

桌子光秃秃的。The table was bare.

我一直将它留在桌子上。I keep it on my desk.

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我来摸桌子。I'll touch the table.

他挤倒了一张桌子。He had the table over.

这是张又旧又破的桌子。It is a bad old table.

我们可以换张桌子吗?Could we change tables?

他伏在桌子上。He stooped over a desk.

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请收拾桌子。Please cleat the table.

这桌子是纯粹栎木的。The table is solid oak.

这些桌子是黄色的。These desks are yellow.

这张桌子是桃绩心木的。This table is mahogany.

我俩在一张桌子旁坐下。We sat down at a table.

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请找鸦张四人用的桌子。A table for four please.

他把它用胶粘到桌子上。He glued it to the desk.

这张桌子不太稳。The table is not steady.