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秋凉的时候,夜里要盖被子了,可是白天却依然很热。The cool night time, will cover the quilt, but during the day but still very hot.

黑色平底的山羊皮长靴和羊毛衫让秋凉望而却步。Her flat black suede boots and cardigan help make this cooler weather appropriate.

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在秋凉温度步步紧逼之下,鹿角漆树的叶子逐渐变成了鲜红色。The leaves of staghorn sumac trees gradually turn a brilliant red as cool autumn temperatures creep in.

晨起推窗,还有雨的气息,但那浓浓的秋凉扑面而来。Early in the morning when the sliding window, there is the smell of rain, but the thick autumn is coming.

偶尔几只雀儿停在苇叶上,组成了美妙的乐谱,歌声清脆,没有丝毫的秋凉之感。A sparrow stops at her leaves, singing clear and sharp. It composes of a wonderful music except of any autumn cool.

生活在这片没有秋季的土地上,炎热的天气却总是无法阻挡心中揣着的那份秋凉,那是心中的千秋结啊。In this I did not fall on the land, the hot weather but always cannot stop the heart inside that autumn, it is heart of a knot.

即使到了该断奶的年龄,也要暂缓,延到秋凉后再断奶不迟。The age that although arrived, should ablactation , also want to defer, after delaying cool autumn days, ablactation again not late.

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秋凉需要暖意,夹克外套可以有许多种类,风衣则是恒久的流行。Trench coats are timeless, always in style. Go traditional with a camel colored trench coat or more modern with bold colors or prints.

随着风,紫色的浪花翻腾,把一山的秋凉都翻到我的心上来了。我爱这样的季候,只是我感到我爱得这样孤独。Along with the wind, the purple waves writhe, tossing up the coolness of autumn into my heart. I love this season, yet in a way so lonely.

随着风,紫色的浪花翻腾,把一山的秋凉都翻到我的心上来了。我爱这样的季候,只是我感到我爱得这样孤独。The purple waves rolling with the wind stirred the coolness of autumn inside my heart. I love this kind of season, yet, in a way so lonely.

随着风,紫色的浪花翻腾,把一山的秋凉都翻到我的心上来了。我爱这样的季候,只是我感到我爱得这样孤独。The wind turns up the purple flowers, and turns mountains of autumn sadness into my heart. I love this season, but I feel I am so lonely in love.

随着风,紫色的浪花翻腾,把一山的秋凉都翻到我的心上来了。我爱这样的季候,只是我感到我爱得这样孤独。Purple wave writhes in the wind, which brings the chilly of the whole autumn into my heart. I love this season, just as I love this kind of lonely.

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恍然间冬天一下子便降临了这个五彩斑斓的世界,让刚刚习惯了夏暑和秋凉的人们不免有点手足无措。Come to realize all of a sudden they come winter, this colorful world, so just get used to summer heat and cool autumn of people can not help but somewhat at a loss.

这样的语言可能会让汉密尔顿在秋凉中感受到一丝温暖,但与主流的声音相比,这实在是微不足道。Such language will possibly let Hamilton cool feel in the fall to a warmth, but will compare with the mainstream sound, this will be not worthy of mentioning really.

秋便是太诚实了,它毫不在意,逊色于夏的花红柳绿,一样摆出夏过秋凉的冷意,直教人感慨四季炎凉。Autumn is too honest, and it does not care, less bonus Liulv in summer, cool autumn, like put on too cold summer means, teach people feeling straight seasons Yan Liang.

细碎多彩的格子图案带来强烈的视觉冲击,秋冬时节拎上它,你还会再去惧怕秋凉冬冷吗?Small and colorful plaid brings a strong visual impact. When taking it in autumn and winter, will you still fear the cold weather?We are sure you will not fear the cold weather.

就连抱枕都没变,绸缎的面子爽滑顺手,斜靠在床头,一如那秋凉之夜,他与贝西浴火之前彼此依偎的样子。Even the throw pillows appeared unchanged, skinned in greasy satin and leaning against the headboard the same way his and Beth’s heads had leaned on a cold autumn night. Before they opened the door.