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整道菜口感辛辣又不失美味。It is spicy but delicious.

他那辛辣的文笔是麻辣味的。His spice blend is a peppery one.

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他的舌头被辛辣食品辣得火烧火燎的。His tongue was stung by hot food.

乔说,黑松露气味和味道辛辣。It has a pungent , odour and flavour.

这是一种辛辣而带刺激性的物质。This is an acrid and pungent substance.

辣椒素是辣椒的主要辛辣成分。Capsaicin-the main acridity of capsicum.

辛辣马丁尼,比飞特,好的,先生。Dry martini , Beefeater. All right, sir.

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她以辛辣的讽刺口吻说这个词。She uttered the phrase with acid sarcasm.

烟在嘴和鼻子里有辛辣刺激之感。Smoke feels acrid in your mouth and nose.

适宜搭配香煎羔羊肉片、牛肉及味浓的辛辣菜肴。Enjoy with lamb, beef and rich spicy meals.

忌生冷辛辣,若有恶心可加生姜3-5片。Avoid cold hot, if nausea may add ginger 3-5.

埃及食物多辛辣,并要用酱汁浸透。Food in Egypt is hot and spicy, drenched in sauces.

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油腻、辛辣以及很咸的食物会增加身体的毒素。Greasy, spicy and salty food add toxins to the body.

生活犹如姜老大,辛辣五味焙小康!Life is like ginger, tastes spicy pre-baked well-off!

忌烟、酒及辛辣、油腻食物。Smoking, alcohol, spicy and greasy food is forbidden.

如要选择更加辛辣的口感,试试我们的血红巫婆酿造。For a spicier option, try our blood-red Witches' Brew.

辛辣波旁桃酱风味的辣味牛肋排Spice-Rubbed Flank Steak With Spicy Peach-Bourbon Sauce

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焗料的辛辣与和甜薯的甘甜相互映衬。The glaze makes a spicy contrast to the sweet potatoes.

回到中国去吧!印度人有能力煮出更美味的辛辣食物。Go back to China! The Indians can cook betterspicy food.

当她坐在教堂里时,脸上带着一种哀婉和辛辣的表情。As she sat in church her face had a pathos and poignancy.